This cemetery is at least 200 years old although most tombstones date back to about 1850 in the older part of this quiet little place. The cemetery has an old look to it the old western tombstones, one crypt, tracks across the road, some rod iron, and on the outskirts of Lancaster NY. There is not much information available about this place which makes it all the more mysterious. Some of the tombstones are vandalized, ground sunken around most stones, and some with tree roots growing around them. This cemetery is most interesting because one of our investigators has parents and grandparents buried here. What is interesting about this cemetery is there are 3 others on the same road, a lot of children are buried here including a set of graves where about 7 children all died within a short time apart. Although it is peaceful you can sense a sadness here.
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Because we always took the back entrance because there are no tombstones in the front of this cemetery due to the large amount of acreage of this growing graveyard. We found out this was Lancaster cemetery. Here is a little bit of information below to read about.

I recently found out that the earliest settlers in the town of Lancaster NY are buried here. Also found out that a lot of soldiers from the revolutionary war are also buried at this cemetery so indeed there is some more historical face brought to you by the PGS



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One of the tombstones has Christ on it as you can see and to the to the top left. As you can see by a few photos the headstones are very crooked this is definitely and old cemetery.