From: Rick- AngelOfThyNight

Well i would first like to thank Jim and his wife Cheryl for driving from warren to help out and come along on a investigation. You guys are welcomed at my house anytime you want. Same goes for Dr Vig and his wife if you guys ever want to crash here. Anyhow last night was a rainy night and although it was a minor investigation it turned out to be fun and interesting. We entered into the cemetery rd graveyard at about 11 pm the reason why this cemetery is important is one of my investigators parents are buried here and grandparents and on my last investigation we could see a purple and green orb traveling together which quote showed up on 2 different cameras and last night we didn't encounter any purple orbs but Cheryl did catch a green orb one looks to be moving like it followed us around like a guardian angel. The thing is that this is a breakthrough for our investigations it just proves more and more orbs are real and actually have free will do travel or do as they want. After our walk through we went to ST Augustine's cemetery which is across the street we did cut across a path which i thought led into it but instead the path went on and on and on lol and Jeff and i ended up behind some warehouse and pond lol and that in itself was an adventure i got stuck in the mud, climbed Pete moss got my socks wet but we got to the road in one piece then on our way back we passed the lovely cemetery gates the way we should have entered lol:) then we headed back home and we went to the abandon house. We got in the house pretty late and we walked around. Jeff's live camera but off so him and i will probably go back and he can film the rest for everybody to see what we see but he did manage to get some of the inside of the house. Cheryl got vibes and left the house after a few rooms of checking out. I once again rummaged in the house found new wrapping paper and a music box not in bad shape so i said what the hell and i took it of course i always ask before taking something. When Jeff and i were upstairs i thought i heard a voice in the house maybe it was faint but i'm sure i heard it Jim and Cheryl were long gone so who could it have been Jim and Cheryl said they heard a voice from the house and thought we were right there next to them yet we were in the attic. Another thing is Cheryl said the door to get out of the house was locked now i slammed it and maybe it jolted it or maybe a ghost tried to lock us in the house its hard to say. I feel a presence in this house and i feel like we are watched i did feel one cold spot and it was ice cold for some reason in that area. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures last night in the house but that's ok Jeff and i will go back i got Pics next time or if anyone has a digital please come on down and ill give you a tour of the house. I honestly think that this house has some sort of activity and yet its hard to pinpoint it the only way to know is to keep going next time take a chair sit in it for awhile in the dark wait, listen and watch see if any odd noises or voices occur. All in all it was fun i will post tonight's investigation soon its raining now but later tonight it probably wont and it probably will be a indoor adventure for tonight anyways so no biggie:)

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I cant figure out why i am so happy right now perhaps its the thrill of knowing that if we get 

something good on film it looks best to smile when showing it to the public.


Subj: [ParanormalBuffalo] Cher and Jim's report
Date: 10/19/02 4:39:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Cheryl’s Report

Paranormal Walk Through The Cemetery

First of all, we want to thank Rick for putting us up, and for putting up with us! We had a wonderful time!

Rick led us into the cemetery , and right away he asked the spirits to join us at the tombstone of a friend of his. Pictures shown on the site, will show a green orb that seemed to follow us through the cemetery. Other pictures at various gravesites had orbs. There were graves that were sunken in, and I explained that those “holes” were from caskets that had collapsed. Those gravestones were the older ones, probably before actual cement liners were used for graves. Rick took us to some of the stones that were real old ones…some from the 1700’s…and some where tree roots had grown up through stones. There were some interesting “gut feelings” in the place.

We proceeded to a site across the street, and hiked through the woods, to another old cemetery. There were supposed to be old stones there, but it had started to rain, and get cold, and we never did find them. In the field on the way to the woods, there were feelings of something watching or following us. Jim and I turned back, and waited for Rick and Jeff at the first cemetery, and kept in constant communications by hand-held radios.

The last place we visited, was an old abandoned house. This house had many rooms, and had, at one time, been converted into apartments. Rick and Jeff, both, had feelings of a presence in the place. I left, due to a strange feeling. At the bottom of the stairs, the door was locked. I asked Rick if he had locked the door. He said he hadn’t ! This was a lock that you had to turn back all the way, and in no way could have just “fell into place”. That gave us all a strange feeling! Then Rick and Jeff stayed behind to get Pics of the place, and Jim and I left the building. We heard a voice real loud, couldn’t make out what it said. We had assumed that Rick and Jeff were right behind us, but when we turned around, they were not. When we did get back together as a group, we told them about this, and they said they were up in the attic at the time, but they had heard a voice also and couldn’t make out what it said, and they also, had assumed that it was us talking to them! That place, we decided, has some strange vibes.

All in all, the trip was very worthwhile and the paranormal group

is one who respects each other’s “talents”, and the places they go.



Jim’s Story and I’m sticking to it!!

First I’d like to thank Rick for giving us a place to stay.

On a last minute idea we though why not go to Buffalo Friday night. After all Rick & Jeff have been to Warren twice now. So we headed out and found Rick’s place with no problems. Good directions Rick!! We all headed out to the cemetery and as we entered Rick ask for a sign near a friends grandparents grave. Cher got what looked like a green ORB on the digital camera. I figured it was nothing but a bad pixel in the display. As it turned out there was a green orb in the pic after I got it from the camera to the computer. It did seem to follow us around as it was in other shots also. Cher wondered off one way with Rick and Jeff and I went another direction. There were many old graves and some sunken in like Cher mentioned. I tried to talk Jeff into hiding behind some stones to spook Rick and Cher as we saw them headed our way, BUT we choose not to do that… (Gee Jeff your no fun!! ) LOL So we headed across the road to another cemetery and hiked a path. Well I think it was a path!! J Rick got out way ahead of us and Cher and I both have bad backs that were beginning to get the best of us, so I gave Jeff one of my radios and Cher and I headed back. We went back to the first cemetery and walked back in a ways and just sat quietly. Really strange setting there at 1:00 Am I must say. Well talking to the other guys on the radio I guess we turned back just in time!! Things turned from bad to MUD!! We sat and waited till they made it back out of there and headed for the old house. Cher and I didn’t spend a lot of time in there as Cher wanted out. Got to the door and it was locked. She yelled up to Rick and ask if he had locked the door when he closed it. He had NOT!! Now that is strange. Cher and I hadn’t walked but maybe 20 feet down the walk and some one (Or something) yelled out at us. We thought it was Rick and Jeff right behind us!! They were NOT there??? We just went to the car thinking nothing of it and waited for them to come out. As it turned out they heard the voice also and thought it was us!! What or who was it?? No idea, but something is strange there. I’ve sent all the Pics to Rick and Jeff for them to sort through and post. So I’m sure Jeff will have them on the site soon!! Won’t you Jeff!! I would recommend one of these outings to any of you that are interested. They are well worth the adventure.
