The Albertus Cottage was built in the 1800s and it was moved from the site of the library that could explain the big open grassy area which today is the Dickinson Park. The home was given to Bertha Fuller by Dr. Frances Dickinson. In 1939 Fuller deeded it to the 4-H girls of Orange City.

Today the cottage is being restored although its still in use by a couple business including a Dr which is kind of ironic. It looks like the house is not a cottage as it has two floors and even a giant two story extension in back which could have been added on over the years. But the house has a very similar style to the one I live in here in DeLand it is what it is a nice southern big old wooden home. 

Whether the cottage is haunted I feel it is its a pretty eerie or gloomy home plus on the back side is some woods with various trails which we hiked through for awhile. It has a long history through the years of Orange Cities growth and I am sure has changed hands many times.

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