Subj: [ParanormalBuffalo] Last Nights Report Of The Faith United Methodist Church  
Date: 2/9/03 12:15:07 PM Eastern Standard Time 

Yesterday evening my son and I conducted our own investigation of the church he has his cub scout meetings at. Since we had it to ourselves we decided it would be a great time to take some photos and look around. For a long time i could feel something was in this church just most likely happy or just quiet observing others. Since there is alot of people who attend churches the activity would be very mild unlike a place nobody has been in for years inhabited by many ghost. We roamed all 3 floors of the school some rooms were pitch black, one room we opened up a door and got a very nice cold blast like possibly and orb or orbs scattered and left the room. We then when to the upper level of the sanctuary which over looks the alter, pews, organs etc this floor had the prayer rooms, some private chambers. We noticed and odd noise as i talked to our spirit friends in front of us or as if someone was walking or tapping and this noise went on for 30 seconds and stopped. Then as i left the sanctuaries upper floor then on the other side we heard cracking sounds since the church was all rebuilt since it existed in 1894 I cant say its the floor we stopped dead in our tracks and this creaking sound went on for like a minute straight. We then made our way to the lower level of the Sanctuary which in a way was eerie almost like the stain glass was alive. We then finished our investigation on various stair well exits some pitch dark, and we even took some photos of the atrium which is an area the people of the church can study, read, play the organ, there are couches etc. I only used my digital camera for this investigation alot of the photos did not show up but there was a few ones that seemed to have these same 3 orbs following me around. One of the orbs though seemed to be near the alter and oddly enough there is a photo I took with a miniature man on the alter its not a photos you can see the wood grain around him so that is odd as well. The areas we either heard noises or got cold winds seemed to be where we captured an orb. So i conclude that the church is probably a class one haunting very mild in activity just a couple orbs very quiet maybe a class 2 since there seems to be occasional walking and noises. Since often i have meetings for my son there and got the key I am sure I will take more photography in the future and hopefully be able to capture an apparition which will not be easy in a place such as this. All in all it was alot of fun and different to explore.

 ** My son said to me after our investigation on his own he seen a shadow figure running out of the sanctuary since we were there alone with the door closed I am assuming he seen the shadow of one the curious apparitions.**




Even though the photo quality is poor for this investigation it clearly shows we have 3 types of orbs that seem to be following me around. I took around 83 photos for our first investigations here and a few of the areas we heard noises or felt cold spots seemed to be where the orb were shot at.  Look to the lower left 3rd photo to the right that large one can be see on top to its the same one same area of the sanctuary. So we definitely got some Orbal activity going on here.

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