Date: 10/19/02


Subject: My Report Of The Sawyer Home\ 

Well i would first like to thank Jim and his wife Cheryl for driving from warren to help out and come along on a investigation. You guys are welcomed at my house anytime you want. Same goes for Dr Vig and his wife if you guys ever want to crash here. Anyhow last night was a rainy night and although it was a minor investigation it turned out to be fun and interesting. We got in the house pretty late and we walked around. Jeff's live camera shut off so him and i will probably go back and he can film the rest for everybody to see what we see but he did manage to get some footage inside of the house. Cheryl got vibes and left the house after a few rooms of checking out. I once again rummaged in the house found new wrapping paper and a music box not in bad shape so i said what the hell and i took it of course i always ask before taking something. When Jeff and i were upstairs i thought i heard a voice in the house maybe it was faint but im sure i heard it Jim and Cheryl were long gone so who could it have been Jim and Cheryl said they heard a voice from the house and thought we were right there next to them yet we were in the attic. Another thing is Cheryl said the door to get out of the house was locked now i slammed it and maybe it jolted it or maybe a ghost tried to lock us in the house its hard to say. I feel a presence in this house and i feel like we are watched i did feel one cold spot and it was ice cold for some reason in that area. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures :( last night in the house but that's ok Jeff and i will go back i got Pics next time or if anyone has a digital please come on down and ill give you a tour of the house. I honestly think that this house has some sort of activity and yet its hard to pinpoint it the only way to know is to keep going next time take a chair sit in it for awhile in the dark wait, listen and watch see if any odd noises or voices occur. All in all it was fun i will post tonight's investigation soon its raining now but later tonight it probably wont and it probably will be a indoor adventure for tonight anyways so no biggie:)



Subj: [ParanormalBuffalo] Cher and Jim's report 
Date: 10/19/02 4:39:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time 
Sent from the Internet (Details) 

Cheryl's Report

First of all, we want to thank Rick for putting us up, and for putting up with us! We had a wonderful time!

The last place we visited, was an old abandoned house. This house had many rooms, and had, at one time, been converted into apartments. Rick and Jeff, both, had feelings of a presence in the place. I left, due to a strange feeling. At the bottom of the stairs, the door was locked. I asked Rick if he had locked the door. He said he hadn’t ! This was a lock that you had to turn back all the way, and in no way could have just “fell into place”. That gave us all a strange feeling! Then Rick and Jeff stayed behind to get Pics of the place, and Jim and I left the building. We heard a voice real loud, couldn’t make out what it said. We had assumed that Rick and Jeff were right behind us, but when we turned around, they were not. When we did get back together as a group, we told them about this, and they said they were up in the attic at the time, but they had heard a voice also and couldn’t make out what it said, and they also, had assumed that it was us talking to them! That place, we decided, has some strange vibes.

All in all, the trip was very worthwhile and the paranormal group 

is one who respects each other’s “talents”, and the places they go.


Jims Report

Paranormal Walk Through The Cemetery

First of all, we want to thank Rick for putting us up, and for putting up with us! We had a wonderful time!

Cher and I didn’t spend a lot of time in there as Cher wanted out. Got to the door and it was locked. She yelled up to Rick and ask if he had locked the door when he closed it. He had NOT!! Now that is strange. Cher and I hadn’t walked but maybe 20 feet down the walk and some one (Or something) yelled out at us. We thought it was Rick and Jeff right behind us!! They were NOT there??? We just went to the car thinking nothing of it and waited for them to come out. As it turned out they heard the voice also and thought it was us!! What or who was it?? No idea, but something is strange there. I’ve sent all the Pics to Rick and Jeff for them to sort through and post. So I’m sure Jeff will have them on the site soon!! Won’t you Jeff!! I would recommend one of these outings to any of you that are interested. They are well worth the adventure.



Pete and I went back to the Sawyer home because i wanted to show him it. I would add it into investigation 3 but the investigation had really no activity let alone most photos came out dark. However i wanted to post this one because it shows a red orb in the hallway. Red orbs are very rare on my journeys but they are my favorite types.

Nov27201pete.JPG (14732 bytes)