This house has gone through so much in the last 50 years you wonder why it still stands. It once was a local bar used to serve the folks working at the steel plant and when the factory went dead so did the bar making it into a livable home. Unfortunately back a few years ago a lady hit the gas lines which burned down the whole house almost. The house was then rebuilt making it once livable however there are some strange things about it that seem to never add up. Noises in the early morning, footsteps, and a continuous red ectoplasm appearing near an around my son on 2 different occasions with 2 different cameras. The yard behind the house has train tracks which are more like ghost tracks, the willow tree is so large in the back that on 2 occasions it lost many large limbs and still looks full it would take 2 men just to hug the circumference. Although its a cozy little home i question the fact if anybody has died here being that it was a bar, changed ownership a couple times, and has had a variety of tenants its quite possible. There is a bullet hole in one of the doors as well which i find very unusual. As time goes on i will keep you posted and try to find more history on my house. Anybody is welcome to come see it most of the vibes i do get however are in my dark backyard at night like i am being watched. I do remember a frying pan moving on my stove awhile back here as well, a door opening all on its own, and the tv turning on all by itself. I believe the spirit that lives in my house is quiet but yet wants to be part of my little family. For more homes around this area you can contact the historical society about half of the homes were bars or taverns at one time then remodeled into Apts, homes and livable cozy dens but one thing will never change and that's the spirits that still roam this very old neighborhood.
Copyright By:  



A lady who once lived in this house knocked at my door to introduce herself. I was informed that the house I live in was once a Butcher shop and also a Whore house or should we say brothel where the girls would prostitute out from. Perhaps that is why there is many orbs seen and caught on camera here.

Here is some photos from my house which i will add periodically as time goes on.  I have sensed a presence in the house usually early morning like 4am. I have heard footsteps, a pot moved on my stove, the kids seem to see something as well. Its not a high activity spirit but it is there and some nights you can feel it rush out of a room or whatever. The house i live in is very old since it was rebuilt already once and the area is about 106 years old that's not including the cemetery that's 200 years old up the street. I am assuming the spirit is a family member since both photos seem to show something reddish near the baby kind of like a red mist or reflection no other pictures seem to show up this way accept anywhere around where the baby is interesting i say the least.

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Below will be photos taken close to home. This photo was taken on my sons field trip. Although the orbs are faint if you enlarge it you will see them. This is a barn and the orbs showed up when the owner started to feed the chickens. You will actually see one shooting towards the ground to the left. Which proves my theory that not all orbs are human spirits and the fact that orbs have some amount of free will.

Animalspirits1.jpg (29253 bytes)

The photos below were taking Christmas 2002 unfortunately I cannot bright them anymore or they will not show up but in the originals that I have there are 5 orbs all different sizes and each of them seems to be moving around to different locations the lighter ones will not show up like I said but below are a few orb shots and its the same orb, same tone to it and seems to be all over. How i know its not dust is that it appeared in every few photos rather then a cycle of them. Keep in mind the last 2 weeks before X-mas my house had alot of paranormal activity. 

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July 2002: Upon coming home from the St Mary's investigation 1 I was in my living room shutting off the lights to go to bed. When heavy walking came up to the porch stopped at the door. The door was open nothing was there.

August 2002: A pot moved on the stove, around every night 2-5 am the activity was the highest. Footsteps, bangs, odd noises. I went to get a snack in the kitchen came back and the light was switched off in a matter of 5 seconds.

November 7th 2002: A music box that has been sitting in the same place for a month went off and started playing about 5am. The music box was found in a abandoned house down the street. The only way to operate this music box is to turn the key from the bottom.

December 15th 2002 4:30AM: I went to bed and upon lying down i heard a sound in the door way. It sounded like a rubbing on the ground and a wrapper. In the doorway i have tape holding down my computer cord so nobody could trip part of the tape is sticking up. This rubbing back and forth on the tape went on for about an hour and when i turned to look it would stop as if it was doing it on purpose.

January 4th 2003 12 Midnight: Knocking was heard somewhere in the house very loud everybody was asleep again this was inside the house like a room over.

January 17th 2003 Daytime: The ghost of a sandy blonde haired little boy was seen twice this day. Once standing in my bedroom doorway the other time near a cabinet in the kitchen. He is clean cut and well dressed about 4-5 years old.

January 18th 2003 11pm :  There was something moving up against the walls the sound was unexplainable almost like something was leaning against it the sound stopped after the incense were lit.

January 25th 2 or 3 AM- Activity was very high so I started taking some digital photos. I captured the face of a boy in my sons baby jumper. Below you can click the thumbnail to enlarge it.

March 9th 2003 11:00 PM: My 2 sons went to the bathroom to get a cup of water. Both of them reported seeing a blond haired lady in a white pokadotted dress. She did not acknowledge neither of them. I asked them a lot of questions and it seems both there stories are the same about her. Who she is and why she was in my bathroom has raised my curiosity.

boysface.jpg (49794 bytes)

April 7th 2003 AM Plus Afternoon: My son seen the face of a man no body. He was young probably around my age and looked very mean. Both the morning and afternoon he seen him. The man was near a closet in my living room. It seems they both looked at each other and as soon as he seen the ghost it disappeared after giving him a mean look. I just got back from the asylum so I believe that this ghost followed me from there.

June 12th 2003 6AM - A Orb Was Spotted over the bedroom closet.

This Image Was taken Across the Street from where I live at the Lady Of  Pompeii Church Pretty interesting how 3 faces with detail showed up.

virginmaryfaces.jpg (45954 bytes)

July 12, 2003 12am: The ghost of a little boy was seen going into the bathroom. Moments later I took EMF readings and it seemed he was sitting on my bed. As it felt cold in that area and I did get some higher readings. 

July 13 2003 2am: Again the shuffling on top of my desk continues as soon as my light goes out and I turn over to go to sleep.

July 15, 2003 11am: My digital camera was found in the living room all the desk to the couch. The kids were asleep and have no explanation for why it was found there.

July 23rd 7A.M.: I was laying awake in bed when something mysterious sat on the end of my bed. I heard it walk into my bedroom because the belt on the floor made a clinking sound then the bed sunk downward and the room got very cold.

July 26th 11pm roughly: My son was in my room when in the doorway he seen the ghost of a little boy. He told me he was just standing there then all of sudden he opened his mouth and his eyes opened real wide like he was shocked he was spotted. Moments later he spotted something that was much more evil looking he said it looked like the grim reaper and it had a hood and skull type of face. This could be something demonic due to a lot of recent misfortunes however he claimed it was staring at him as well so perhaps it was no threat at all. One other person was witness to seeing this second figure. 

August 13th 2003 9AM: The sound of Zoot music was heard playing inside the house yet there was no radio on. Very old upbeat type of music much similar to what I heard on the haunted tracks near my house.

September 1st Evening Hours: My son was in my bedroom and turned around only to see an apparition of a man. He said the man had brown pants and a brown shirt on and when he got approximately near the television he vanished. He said that the man looked like me facial wise so it is possibly an ancestor is visiting me. The apparition is a new one that has been seen in this house. 

September 14th 10pm: A white blur passed from the dining room to the kitchen

September 30th 8pm: The ghost of a little boy seen in a yellow shirt ran into the bathroom never came out.

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The photo above shows double orbs which seems to be in motion next to Jason in front of my house the activity that occurs here is both inside and mainly the front of the house usually.

October 22nd 8:30pm: A crayon was thrown at me again the little boy ghost seems to have been active in my house.

This photo taken at my Halloween Party October 24th 2003

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October 31st 10pm: My son seen in the other room something hovering over my coffee table. He described the entity to look like scream or kind of like the mask from the movie. Very long face, holes for the nose, eyes and mouth. I knew he seen something because he was just standing there frozen and he jumped like he seen something that scared him bad. I calmed him down asked him what he seen. I believe that he seen a mass of ectoplasm and often that is how most ghost will look when manifesting. 

October 8th 11pm: This following photo below was taken by Mark after we arrived home from our investigation. The whole front porch is covered with a mass of ectoplasm and it almost forms what seems to be a giant face on the wall.

porchectoplasm.jpg (19931 bytes)

November 30th 3am: Beer Bottles, Dishes, and other objects were banging all around. Then as I sat here at my desk something was shuffling objects on the second shelf. 

The photos below were taken Dec 1,2,3rd accept for Marks Ectoplasm shot. Each night I went outside for about 5 minutes to take a few apparitions to show you what kind of entities haunt the house and my backyard. Almost all the ghost that were photographed were taken right outside my bedroom window. They are very hard to catch honestly some were caught with me hiding behind my van then quickly coming around the corner snapping the pictures. 

November 30th

tireswingecto.jpg (12465 bytes)  blueorbmark.jpg (15395 bytes)

December 1st

  rickswindowecto1.jpg (15754 bytes)  ricksbedroomwindowghost.jpg (29479 bytes)  rickswindowspirits.jpg (38097 bytes)  backporchecto.jpg (27631 bytes)

December 2nd

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     ghostkitty.jpg (35547 bytes)  thickfoggyectomass.jpg (17548 bytes)  windowectoplasm1.jpg (33631 bytes)

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December 7th 2003: I arrived home from an investigation. I went to bed and something was playing with the keyboard and shuffling around things on my desk. The room got very cold.

December 8th 2003: A shadow man was seen running from the kitchen into the family room.

The following below were taken on December 8th 10pm on my front porch. I took roughly 9 photos and 6 came back with apparitions and Ectoplasmic shots. These are in order according to how I took them.

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February 5th 2004:Whistling was heard in the house and something was moving threw out the house.

February 7th 2004: A lady again was seen in the bathroom similar sighting months ago

February 10th 2004: A Shadowman was seen walking out of the bathroom he walked past the doorway disappeared.


The house is so haunted even my cat tries to get away from it all!!!