Subj: [ParanormalBuffalo] Tonight's Report Of 3 Awesome Investigations.....  
Date: 3/16/2003 1:35:51 AM Pacific Standard Time 
Flying Saucer Restaurant

Lundy's Lane Cemetery & Ramada inn

The next stop we went to was with Patrick and his members to the Ramada inn the significance here is that on the 200 side lower hallway apparitions are seen going in and out of the walls. Also moving cold spots, bayonets stabbing through the walls which Pete claimed to have felt a stabbing feeling in his arm. The hallways is on the cemetery side and from what Patrick Cross said is a battle from the war of 1812 did occur here right where the hallway is and the headstones are close by very very close. I did feel something moving past  me and also in this hallway is the smell of gunpowder now I smelt it very strong so did others. Also there was a hospital there at one time so you could smell in the hallway bandages and aneseptics and this would be odd for a hotel therefore we have to assume that the ghostly battle is still occurring. We then headed off to Lundy's Lane Cemetery next store. This cemetery is very old has a stone monument in the front very tall made out of stones. There was a lot of energy in the older section of the cemetery and I did see a large orb. I did notice a lot of the war headstones very close to the hotel wall. We did walk around awhile there and I guess everybody had there own experience myself I just felt certain areas had something close by besides my orb sighting. I though i also heard a scream in here and on one of its roads again smelt the odor of gun powder then it dissipated but I believe it was Jay who heard a sword like sound there as well. This cemetery is old and has a lot of potential lots of history to it. The digital photos came out poorly accept for one very very amazing apparition picture with arms, the body and head of it seems to be a soldier. I seen this in the flash and sure enough when I got home tonight i was right on the money.

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