Subj: Tonight's Report Of The Keen Plantation
Date: 10/20/02 12:29:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: AngelOfThyNight

Well tonight turned out to be a stellar night opening a new chapter in our quest. Despite the fact that Friday i could not find the gypsum mines i ended up trying to put together a last minute investigation. I came up with a load of interesting places a cemetery with a tower to climb up in and various other haunted or old areas. I read a report from a man seeing a haunted carriage in an area so anyways the moon was full almost and something was in the wind you could just feel it tonight. We walked up a road in Wheatfield which is fairly rural or quiet of an area lots of farm land ect. We walked up on the property of the the place and seen a small house maybe the size of a bedroom, a large barn and 2 other barns with triangular roofs. The most noticeable thing about the place is the barns seemed to be in good shape as far as the roofing and exterior go. There was a cement foundation behind the main barn which possibly could have been where a house once stood maybe it burned down who knows. When we first got there i seen a plow definitely something they would use in the 1800s where horses would pull it, many old wheels or carriage parts outside. The first barn we entered seemed to be a storage barn since this was an Amish farm keep in mind there was many antiques in there such as old furniture, lamps, hand made things, some tools, some things hanging on the walls, farm equipment that was old but mainly old furniture that would go into a house some things looked Amish or at least old from the early 1900s when entering josh and Arian said they heard 2 voice both were young probably children which would mean we walked in on there harmless play perhaps they died of small pox at a young age its hard to say. Ari says he seen glowing eyes i'm not sure if its just car lights shining through the cracks its hard to say Ari said they were glowing red and Arian said something was definitely hiding from us in there so i think we surprised what was there more then us we did find a Childs  baseball mitt in there as well as many other things from various time periods. We then went into barn 2 which i didn't feel anything but keep in mind there was a old truck something you would see 60 years ago probably and in the truck was kegs made out of wood, barrels the old kind, many crates were piled up in there wine crates ect which the kind you no longer see since wine is sold now at liquor stores. We seen many tools, a older john deer tractor in there, some old tools hatchets, axes, buckets, gas cans, ect ect We then pushed onto to the main barn and probably the oldest one. which had a double latch door upon entering we noticed the floor was falling apart with much dirt and old manure in a pile, a horseshoe table, stall and wood beams, strangely enough a door going into the other part of the bar was locked or wouldn't budge but we looked around anyways. You could tell nobody disturbed the placed there was no prints no cob webs ripped off a hornets nest that was large. We then exited and found a way into the other side of the barn if at worse we could have hopped into a window and dropped down. We entered and found a hay trailer parked in there full of many bails of hay. Arian said she felt something on the hay bales so of course i made a joke and say i want to play in the hay to so we climbed up on the hay upon looking up one side of the loft was stacked with hay bails the other was fairly more then half empty when i was looking up on the loft i was getting ready to take a photo looking in the lens i seen and id like to think my eyes are playing tricks but it was a blur a very big one and yes it did move from left to right and before i could snap it the spectre was gone it was very amazing. There was a rope hanging in the loft was it a rope where a man once hung himself and why was there a rope up there? Ari and josh did climb the ladder and onto the loft i stayed with Arian i had to much pizza tonight lol Ari said he found piles of human feces as well as on the ground a empty TV dinner tray so perhaps kids were hanging out, maybe adults partying but i thought it was odd. Arian is very sensitive she thinks maybe cultist use the bars for rituals or perhaps someone new we were snooping so we tried not to stay to long in each barn. Ari claimed to have seen what i seen to when he was standing up in the loft same exact thing and Arian said it was talking to her and probably a very abusive man or angry one so we were worried about it causing harm possibly by pushing the ladder. We did go into 2 other areas in the bar one was a stable josh seen a cat up in the window which is quite high, and the other one was a complete room filled with hay bails from floor to ceiling completely like a solid wall. The door then came off the track haha and here Ari and i are trying to put it back on and it wouldn't budge then i put one end on track the other popped off finally we figured it out and managed to put it back how we found it lol but it was probably the highlight of our trip. Then upon exiting the barn we went to the small house it had windows and this house was unusual very old. since the ceiling was made with thin wooden strips. The house was unusual had a variety of things piled in it old machines of different kinds i did take some Pics actually 30 something Pics tonight. The house also had a bucket in this bucket were scrolls rolled up, taped, or tied with string on parchment paper some probably 100 if not more years old Ari read the one it was some sort of business deal maybe property deals who knows? The fact of the matter is you want to so bad bring souvenirs home for proof but then again you realize that this whole place is over a 100 year old piece of history supposingly the house and barn is something even i would like to preserve and i am sure whoever owns or keeps it up is trying to also. After all the lawn around it is kept up but it does not look like anybody has been in there in years. We also were going to go to a cemetery park but we got lost so we ended up going home but we ended up in almost Niagara falls then all the way out in Lockport almost i was like grrr because i was in a graveyard mood as well i was on a luck streak tonight i figured let me see more spectres lol. We however left the barns as quietly as we came in walking down the cold dark lonely road leaving history preserved. I probably will not give out the exact location of it i just know that if the wrong person got there hands on some of the merchandise in there it would not be right since some things i am sure are worth 100s if not 1000s of dollars. This concludes my investigation for tonight Ari will post a report. I took alot of Pics including one where Ari's fingers felt pinched by an odd cold spot the Pics should come out from it in a month to 6 weeks i hope and yes we will add it to our domain. All in all it was a exciting adventure.

Ps. Another odd thing was that there also was a machine up in the crawlspace now the machine is bigger then the hole of the crawl space so what was something so heavy doing up and sealed?




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