Subj: I am back from tonight's house....Report
Date: 10/21/02 11:18:08 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: AngelOfThyNight

Ok 4 investigations in a matter of a couple days WOW lol that's all i can say. Amy and i tonight went to go check out the abandoned house which i been talking about for about a week. The house is on a very dark road not many homes out there by the looks of the woods, design, basement id say its about 100 years old easily. It is boarded up and i believe a fire tragically struck this home since the second floor and attic windows had some black charring around them. I went to the back of the house and notice a whole view of the basement almost, the second floor half was missing other half was very unstable with an old bed railing, and couch remaining. The property its on has a creek in the yard and the house is almost in the woods very overgrown which makes it all the more eerie. You get the impression that someone has died there you can feel that. I walked down the basement stairwell and came to a empty room in the basement nothing unusual just chestnuts on the floor because of large holes in the roof. We entered into the next section of the basement and our backs were turned and something loud was dragging almost like a human would drag itself along a floor it just didn't sound right and whatever it was seemed to stir up an animal on the second floor it started running. The dragging sound came in the empty room which we were at the doorway of there was no animals in there which leads me to believe that it was something of the paranormal. After the noise it got very cold all around us and very quickly like a freezer my hands were like ice apparently we had awaken whatever resides in this old house. We then exited and walked over to a very old garage still much remains in there a old lawn mower, old wine crate, piles of wood, tools, some furniture as well. The garage was almost like a small barn pretty decent sized. We then departed but leaving we still felt both of us something about this house feels different then all the rest not that its abandoned that ails me its the fact of wanting to know what happened, who or what made them sounds, and what remains to be seen from the photos i took.



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