Subj: [ParanormalGhostSociety] Last Nights Investigation Report  
Date: 11/22/2003 11:00:00AM Eastern Standard Time 
To: ,  

Forest Lawn Cemetery (Investigation #2)

It has been over a year since I visited this cemetery and what basically I wanted to do here is bring a second investigation but with a little bit of a twist. Better photos of the stones here and some nice apparition shots which we both achieved in just a short time of this giant cemetery which is pretty famous or well known across the country. 

We started off walking through the creek barefoot yes we joined the polar bear club and the water was very slimy full of algae, slugs and smelt like rotten eggs probably the corpses decay flows into the water table since stones run along the creeks here. Can we say yuck ha. But we got through it with Marks pants falling down. Liz and I noticed near the rod iron fencing something hovering above us it was only visible for a brief second.

Then we made our entrance into the cemetery it was much cooler in certain areas at times I felt very watched. I heard a bang in the cemetery 2 in a row it sounded like it was a crypt door slamming this was on my mind most of the evening as I heard it one other time a hour later. We pursued our adventure to an area with many crypts there was some activity here as I caught a red orb in a tree, and a glowing gold ball cross the road. Keep in mind this is in a valley there are not cars therefore no reflections this was just a ball of light traveling past us about a 100 feet out once it hit a series of stones it disappeared behind them. Mark also seen something Black which twirled around and disappeared in front of him perhaps a shadow man.

We walked much of the cemetery to 2 other main entrances and I was able to see many new areas such a steeple stone, a deer monument and many new statues I never seen before. So having a different team from back then definitely helped us to cover more ground on this investigation. 

We experienced some pretty cold areas in some areas of the cemetery and it was a pretty warm night in the 50s yet some areas we could barely feel our hands. We did end up finding something interesting a giant dark tunnel. I do not know how far it goes it could be a creek or sewage tunnel but the energy emanating from it was incredible I must have taken 8-9 ectoplasm shots in a row and after that I just that's enough it just seems like perhaps whatever roams forest lawn may stay in the tunnel perhaps because it is more peaceful or dark rather? But it was a big success and then we took off.

On the way heading back to the van I took a few more ghostly shots as we were walking one of them was near a soldiers stone with a statue holding a gun. Then we went back into the creek this time I forgot to roll up my pants so they turned black from the algae quite quickly as I stepped in.

All in all it was a good night and really I wish more people showed or became permanent investigators of our team. We really had some fun and at the same time we were able to capture so many ghost on film I cant even give a number but Forest Lawn was quite active and usually with cemeteries so large it is very challenging to try and capture anomalies on film. 


Tunnel Area

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0tunnelorbs.jpg (12971 bytes)  0tunnelgroundorb.jpg (11779 bytes)  0tunnelectoplasmmark.jpg (15408 bytes)  0stringoftunnelorbs.jpg (31569 bytes)

Elks Rest

0elksrestorbs.jpg (12606 bytes)  0elksrestecto.jpg (18203 bytes)0deermonumentectoface3.jpg (27957 bytes)  0deermonumentfaces.jpg (38862 bytes)  0deermonumentfaces1.jpg (64083 bytes)  

Haunted Crypts

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Haunted Stones (Various Areas)

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   0ricklegorb.jpg (16368 bytes)  0rodironshootingorb.jpg (47977 bytes)  0verdiorb.jpg (13598 bytes)  0verdiface.jpg (41954 bytes)   0thinkingladystatueorb.jpg (13917 bytes)  0stonecrossorb.jpg (19009 bytes)   0seymouranomaly.jpg (35723 bytes)   

0closestonesecto.jpg (19719 bytes)  0roweorbs.jpg (18660 bytes)  0russelectoplasm.jpg (15370 bytes)  0slantedstoneorbs.jpg (14129 bytes)  0smallentity.jpg (27708 bytes)  0pipeface.jpg (26866 bytes)       

Chapel Area & Crematory

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