Date: 6/8/2003 6:02:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time 
To: , 

Well for me to type this report at 5am I must be pretty excited about our adventure to the Train station. Which unbelievably I believe I finally was able to see more this time then all of my trips there. I would like to thank Rob, Mark, Jason for being able to make it on out tonight because without there help we wouldn't be able to bring everybody here such a great story. So many times we have gone to this place never got apparitions never was able to get to the concourse area or the tall spooky tower but tonight we made it. 

Our adventure had a mix of funniness all the way to climbing and jumping from 6 feet off a wall. It was a treat to be able to show this place off again and I must say this as well many times before going here my investigators were not into the place and that is what made it so hard to get a story so it was a treat to have new folks for the year 2003 for this grandeur place. We started off by entering onto the board walk where folks used to board the trains. Unusually it was not as cold no noise nothing strange. However right away my main focus was that tower so we worked our way into the next building. I remembered an area in the mail room where you could drop down into an underground room which I never got to do the last few times there. 

Now awhile back last year an e person who investigated with me said she seen a female ghost in the mailroom and tonight I captured a female ghost on film in that room so that was one goal achieved that I wanted to do. Anyhow we climbed down into the room and dropped down which led to some offices a few room with metal caging we worked our way out to where taxis use to pull up and drop passengers off.  Entering underneath the tower into the other building upon entering it seemed so cold nothing like the rest of the other 2 buildings we were walking in to get there. I managed to get a photo tonight of something demonic perhaps ghostly but the face does not look human in that area so we were unwanted most likely by unseen visitors. 

We then worked our way into the train stations entrance a part I never seen. This had a grand stair case, many wooden doors, and supervisor rooms Ect before going up the stair well we went down a very long hallway very eerie many rooms. One room had big engines, another one had filing cabinets. We seen many bats and it was funny because one hit rob in the head and I almost had one swoop down and hit me in the head we were all ducking including a bat that was at least 12 inches in length. We then went in a room and rob said hey there are some magazines when I went to go look about 10 seconds of asbestos, dust, and ceiling fell on my head down my shirt and pants, on my glasses and I was covered in white dust then i could really see that the train station curse with me never ends I swear last year someone broke in my car this year someone was in my van. Last year I lost my brakes this year to. It just to me is such a cursed place always bad luck anyways... 

We then came to a restaurant the door was locked or rusted shut i was going to climb under the door but I was so excited i kneeled down in a muddy puddle and my knees were so soaked I said ehhh will find another way into the restaurant of course we came around to another stairs in a room and that was locked also. We made our way back to the grand staircase which led to another hallway as earlier above the door was stuck going down to the restaurant. 

So we went to a room and climbed up a metal staircase very very steep and ended up going into this hatch which opened up to the section I have wanted to see in years. Of course I dropped my flashlight on the stairs and it broke sighs and I had to hold the end piece on the rest of the night again the curse I say. We approached the caution tape almost like a crime scene ducked under it and noticed a twisted cement staircase going up, elevators, high cathedral ceilings, giant arch windows, and area so big and this was there area where people sat on there benches read the newspaper. We seen baggage counters, ticket windows, marble floors, engraved symbols including something that was all concrete with gothic sculpture leaning on its side. This area was very wide open cleaned up like it was being restored. In one area there was another restaurant with the fireplace still in good shape. We walked by the ticket counters seen a room with a safe then we made our way up some stairs walking in all the offices that would over look the giant lobby going up to at least 6 floors. Upon going up to the 6th floor we were so busy we realized we were in the building that runs next to the lobby which is now being restored. As we came to the 6floor we came to an area with stairs metal ones going up and over with low ceilings that were probably 4 feet high we walked along this plank for quite some time every once in awhile there would be a opening looking down into the lobby about 60-70 feet down so yeah it made it even more adventurous.  

We then headed onto a balcony over looking the lobby we stood still and I heard the rusted hatch bang, also heard footsteps, and thought to have seen a light inside more like a orb possibly we did sit quiet. We then headed back and devised a way to get into the very tall clock tower itself. We went back down and went down a hall way and found a stairwell going up it felt like we were walking forever up steps. Two sets of stairs or 24 stairs to each floor. We made our way to the top and the observation deck was locked down this saddened me i am sure the view would have been beautiful and probably would have gotten a good ghost shot from the top. We then worked our way down and certain floors we would walk in and it was small because as you go higher up the tower becomes smaller and as you go down bigger. The hexagon type of rooms were very eerie. Now that they are restoring it all windows in the tower are replaces and the glass they are using is not transparent so we could not get any type of view. We did however work our way down. Checking some floors we came out we of course came back out into the large lobby made our way back down the hatch into the tax entrance and over to the next building which is also around 6 floors. 

I wanted to show the guys the long hallway where i felt something evil in we actually checked out alot of rooms at the end of the hallway checked out a new stairwell deep down which had 3 feet of water i guess those are the underground tunnels that are talked about.  We explored the building although i did notice some areas were like ice and tonight was warm out yet some areas were like a freezer possibly alot of energy in some areas you could feel it. There is a hole in the wall I always wanted to crawl in just that never did i get to until tonight and its so funny because we all crawled into the hole and it led right into the lobby lol so in a way I was upset that we dropped down, climbed and took the long way when the lobby was right there in a wall. I almost fell to my knees laughing really if it was that simple and i knew that all this time every time I would visit here I would have been in that lobby area. 

Anyhow we headed outside across the tracks and to another area of the concourse where many stairwells come out we found a funny painting on the ground that said pass out here and had a body sketched out.  We walked all the way down looked like a subway station to a metal stairwell this led us to a higher area no railings nothing just being high up over looking the tracks and it was pretty interesting there was this circular window up there that was blown out. We then headed back outside the concourse area and noticed a man shouting a few times it was very close but yet did not see a thing it stopped when we shut our lights off so its hard to say if it was a person or who knows ghost since ghost do shout to and talk. 

I did take everybody over to the final building which is the mail building which I never got to go on the higher floor of it so we explored the upper floor. Which was very odd lots of plants growing on this floor, heavy party place, spray paint, beer bottles, garbage bags, furniture, and so much more just rotted, twisted, mounds of ceiling. This area bothered me a little this building is very long probably 1000 feet like a endless hallway. As walking through it we noticed stones, rods, objects placed purposely to create a pattern. Many rooms had this many open areas had this. One area we found some stones, cinder blocks, porcelain from toilets, piping all in a straight line for 30 feet. It did not fall that way it was put there and almost every room had objects placed a certain way so that baffled me. As we got to the end of the building we left and said our goodbyes. We then walked through a pretty bad neighborhood which seemed to scare the residents 4am and us guys walking down the street. 

All in all it was a very long 5 hours investigation nobody got hurt the thorns sucked that we walked into but we had fun. We got to see areas we never seen, we climbed to the top of the tower, we got to hear some voices, foot steps, experience some cold spots, and even just on my broken digital camera I still managed to get some really great paranormal photography and we been to this place and never got much till tonight so it has paid off going over and over just to try and get something that can truly never be forgotten. We probably will plan a fall trip back here since Pete could not make it tonight and really i want him to see this place its something everybody should see in there life. This investigation here proved to be a big success and hopefully next time we go more will decide to show with us. 

0hallwayghosts.jpg (110101 bytes)  0mailroomghost.jpg (108221 bytes)

Special Pictures Above Our First Apparition Shots Here **FINALLY**

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Subj: [ParanormalBuffalo] Last nights Investigation Report  
Date: 6/8/2003 9:26:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time 

Well, It was a long night down there but it was a well evening worth 
it. After a while of struggling trying to get in holes and trying to 
balance myself with piles of dust and god knows whatever is down 
there. After we finally got into a hatch that Rick and Rob 
pushed open which was pretty difficult. It was a great thing that 
teamwork has come through. 

I didn't really hear too much around there but I was able to leave a recorder trying to get something but no luck with it

 or need  someone to able to separate the voices. The creepiest feeling was when 
we went down a path that Rick said that he never been down there 
before. It was like 40 to 45 degrees and we had steam coming out of 
our mouth while the weather was like 60 to 70 (give or take). While 
we had to look around, we weren't alone, we had bats flying all over 
us and some came really close to us. The highlight that we had when 
we went down and Rick hit something and a whole full of dust fell all 
over him and his equipment. I took a picture which I showed it to 
Rick. He should added it to his collection of  bloopers or something 
like that. I was so tired from last night and still worn out. I was 
so glad to be part of this and hopefully more to come.
