From:  "AngelOfThyNight" <>
Date:  Sat Jul 13, 2002  6:00 am

Well its about 5:30am and we are all safe. I thank Paula and her sister Diana for coming out tonight, and also mike. It was nice meeting you all and we had a very interesting experience at the central terminal station. Just to go over what happened is we entered around 1am into the place in the pump room down stairs Paula snapped a picture and a few orbs showed up along with a red one and blue one i believe then she took another and those same orbs had moved to the right of the room. Very interesting. Once again there were noises like a bang off in the distance however the noises once again that were heard seemed to have closed in on us from both ends off to where our flash lights once again couldn't reach. There were some areas in some rooms where it was ice cold or you would get a cold breeze then it was gone but only areas where we would find a cold spot we would find a orb on camera id say 80 percent of the time. We did not enter the concourse we did find a way to the lower basement in a room full of many papers from 50 yrs ago if not older. Most interesting is the area where something had moved last time this time Paula had said to turn around and not go to she got vibes off it and so did i but this time the same vibes of what i felt last time from the pump room when i was with Jeff. we managed to go 5 floors up found a few new and interesting rooms one of them is like a switchboard room and looks like there may be a way in to the main tower and concourse area of the building. Strangely enough the area where we felt a strong presence i lit some incense simple because from what i felt is that i was being followed down the corridor so i lit them in that doorway. We also managed at least 3 of us to see a strange red light in one of the windows it looked more like a comet just streaking all around because i got a glimpse of it also but it was fast. Now to the good part of this investigation we were heading back on and standing around taking some pictures Paula took a picture a orb or 2 appeared then Diana tried to make contact with the spirits and she took another and there was like 5 to 8 orbs then another one and we had like 10-18 orbs and many colors. I took that is a warning its time to go and when i said we are going and Diana did Paula took another photo and it seemed to only have one orb in it. we left at and the entrance i lit another inscent and sprinkled a herb to absorb negative energy also so nothing can follow us home. strangely enough Paula took another photo and there was a ok sized herb right at the door way right over my incense that i had lit on the ground. So in conclusion from what i notice about this place is some areas have heavy spiritual activity it seems the ghost or orbal energy tends to travel together most pictures showed 2-4 orbs near eachother while sometimes there was many of them in a small area. there were areas with no cold spots, no vibes, no noise, and nothing showing up on Paula's digital camera then there were some areas that had activity just like the same areas Jeff and i experienced so in my theory i will say that this place does contain spiritual activity based on the last 2 visits things have occurred. The next trip may be planned there in September simply because we got to let respect the spirits who walk here and to many visits tend to scare off what is there they tend to hide or move around alot. Some other strange things that did occur is Diana put new batteries in her flash light and her flashlight did go dead half way into the place just like Jeff's flashlight last week when we were there. Paula's camera stopped temporarily working also on our way as we were taking shots of what seemed to be many orbs traveling very closely together. Whether Diana's communication with them got them interested or they were checking us out as we were leaving only they will know. peace and blessings that is my conclusion for the night. coming up this Friday i think the next thing to be examined and looked at will be the house on Losson then a cemetery trip somewhere in the area.

outside terminal gateafter.jpg (43517 bytes)orbs at terminal gatesafter.jpg (48051 bytes)orbs at terminal gates4before.jpg (31379 bytes)outside gate areabefore.jpg (47979 bytes)longhallway2after.jpg (72933 bytes)outside terminal gatebefore.jpg (44452 bytes)gate area at terminalafter.jpg (47350 bytes)orbs at terminal gates2after.jpg (52469 bytes)orbs at terminal gates3before.jpg (40799 bytes)orbs at terminal gates3after.jpg (41244 bytes)orbs at terminal gates4after.jpg (46532 bytes)Longhallwayafter1.jpg (74985 bytes)pumproomafterbrightening.jpg (76167 bytes)Longhallway2before.jpg (54948 bytes)piperoomorb.jpg (142104 bytes)pumproombeforebrightening.jpg (75821 bytes)outside gate areaafter.jpg (46911 bytes)orbs at terminal gatesbefore.jpg (38457 bytes)gate area at terminalbefore.jpg (39874 bytes)orbs at terminal gates2before.jpg (48008 bytes)long hallwaybefore1.jpg (74609 bytes)












































Date:  Sun Jul 14, 2002  7:27 am
Subject:  Re: [ParanormalBuffalo] Terminal Investigation

Greetings, all!

Well, to say the excursion into the Central Train Terminal on Memorial Drive in Buffalo was interesting doesn't even half explain what we (myself, Rick, Dave and my sister Diana) felt, heard and saw that night!  I got some pretty awesome pictures with my camera (before it stopped working outside at the loading gates area) and there was even a shot of ectoplasm out there as well.  Since I've felt the energy in that place, I've come to the conclusion that there is DEFINITELY a presence there, of more than one entity or spirit, and that they were not evil, but on the other hand, did not want to be bothered, either.

Everything Rick attempted to explain (sorry Rick...your typing is atrocious! LOL) in his account of what went on Saturday night is precisely what happened, including the uneasy feelings we got in certain locations, the cold breezes and the photos of the energy orbs that were taken.  I've given all my photos to Rick to download to the photo album so whatever he adds to it will be up to him! :o)  The conclusion is that there is spiritual energy there.  How much and by whom or what, we don't know. There were things I felt and saw in my mind's eye as we walked through the office building part of the terminal, including the Personnel Office. (that's the office Rick was referring to, where all the old papers were)  There were files and files of information and résumé's and letters of recommendation for employees of the terminal, dated from anywhere around 1950 to 1966.  It was an amazing find and Dave took some of the records with him to research the Social Security numbers on the forms.  Most of the papers were still readable, and we even found some termination letters! There were engineer's slips and train logs and such.  I can't believe the City of Buffalo would just leave all that information in that office!  It was a find, to say the least! 

I felt the presence of a woman, there.  I don't know who she was, but I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want anyone to get scared and want to leave, so I kept it to myself.  I could see some of her, much like the way John Edward sees dead people.  I couldn't make out detail, but I saw a letter "B",  a dress and a hat, much like the ones worn back in the 30's.  I saw an arrow pointing at a hallway and it had an "X" through it.  I told Rick I didn't want to go down that hallway. It wasn't only because of what I felt, but because of what I saw in my mind, as well.  I usually don't tell ppl. what I see in front of my eyes, when they're open, unless I am reading the person I'm talking to, directly.  If I don't know someone well, I just don't do that.  I don't like negative reactions by people and I certainly don't want anyone thinking I'm some kind of nut-case, so I don't flaunt my gift.

 Next week we hope to set a time to check out the abandoned house on Losson Rd. near the Depew/Cheektowaga border.  ALL are welcome to join us.  It's pretty neat in there, and there are all kinds of belongings still in the house.  That's right! It's NOT empty!   I hope alot of you will come....especially after viewing the photos I took at the Train Terminal!  PLEASE be a part of this group by participating in live investigations, if you can, at all, possibly go!  The more ppl we can get together, the better it is.  

 Oh, by the way....if you live around Buffalo, anywhere....come check out the community-wide garage sale that's going to be held in West Seneca, on July 20th and 21st! (off of Mineral Springs Rd. on Emporium, Aurora, and many other streets.)  I'll be there, at 205 Aurora, tending a HUGE!! garage sale.  My boyfriend is going to have a big booth of audio, stereo and video equipment there, for sale as well as high-end stereo speakers and stuff.  I'm telling you this, because if you're too chicken to go on a ghost hunt, I'd still love to meet as many of the members of this group as possible, and what better way than to come to a bunch of garage sales! LOL!!!  :oD