From:  "AngelOfThyNight" <>
Date:  Sun Aug 18, 2002  10:12 pm
Subject:  Report on the Buffalo Asylum From Last Night

We went into the place about 12 midnight we found it was alot harder to get into this place then we thought since most of its sealed up so we managed to slip into a gate hidden in some brush. As soon as we arrived there Amy which this was her first investigation looked up and seen a light in the window i also noticed an apparition looking out at us as if she was observing us as we entered. As we were standing outside i heard either it was a dog or a scream come from within the place. 3 people said it sounded like a scream that said help me. I felt very disturbed by it however i stuck my hand in a window and the coldness i felt i could tell the place was flourishing with energy. A place with so many deaths and negativity can consume you simply because the residue rubs off on you. We entered into the place about a 6-7 foot climb into a hole in the wall which i will get daytime photos of it. we went up into a winding stairwell i got a little ahead and when i turned the corner i heard a female voice whisper then i heard a mail groan it went ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh very long and well it just perhaps was wind but between the wind blowing a a very deep male groan i am able to tell the difference i am assuming that maybe due to the female voice then a male groan the 2 maybe are connected. We explored many places in there i would say the place is truly magnificent. We covered many rooms such as a cafeteria, found blood stains in 2 different places, a burnt room, a electric torture table looks like a ironing board, We also see doll houses around 60-100 years old. Many rooms in the place looks liked something was scratching including a room with cement pushed up like something was trying to break free. The place has at least over 30 stair wells many hidden passages, living quarters, balconies, and many small rooms where mental people were kept. we found a BED which was fresh kind of like a hospital bed and it had many like sheets tied to it. We also noticed 2 ropes in 2 different areas like someone hung themselves. I managed to find a passage in the basement leading deep down into the catacombs it is blocked off however we will get in on our next investigation since the wood is loose. The catacombs are suppose to contain torture equipment, and very large examination rooms where they would to there experiments. One area i seen orbs traveling very interesting how they would scatter when we entered an area. One area we went into a door was stuck well as soon as we all entered a door slammed behind us all on its own with great force when we entered into the next room i felt a GREAT evil and usually only get this vibe rarely i sprinkled the herbs and it was gone. I also noticed the smell of incense burning very unusual only in some places. This place is so big its got a library, church etc  its almost like a city of its own. We did enter a room in the basement that had a light on  seen something moving i heard something however when doing some filming of Jeff a blurry object i seen in the doorway of the lit room quite interesting because it moved. I also felt more cold spots then ever before in many of the rooms some rooms were jammed shut so i wonder if there were bodies or other things stashed away many hidden places. I also did hear voices a few times to me they were light things like whispers, footsteps etc i also noticed hearing a bell, a grunt  heard it to. The attic was also weird or many attics in place lots of rat traps but no rats, lots of ladders to hidden coves in the attic. Lots of little closets and dead ends to with some things very new like knobs for water spigots. It was calm for the most part but the one room that bothered me was find 2 sets of tap dance shoes, and 2 little girl outfits it was disturbing to find that in such a hidden place and i am not sure if someone threw them there however they were much older and we will have to look into to find if any little girls have came up missing wearing dancing outfits. i am sure this place has hidden bodies there is many locked areas, dust and dirty piles, machinery, wheel chairs around its pretty disturbing at times. We seen many elevator shafts in the place to but not big enough really for people maybe they just lifted supplies up i don't know. Its a place you can get easily lost we didn't even make it to the oldest part of the building or the administrations section however we got through about 9 sections or buildings all connected. This so far was one of the best investigations and next month Jeff,  and i are going back and we will be looking for others to come we will be doing a catacombs investigation and will enter into the administrations building. We also found old library cards from the early 1900s and files of patients in this one studio apt room possibly for the caretaker of that wing or area. The place is just a monolith and much still remains to be seen. Another disturbing thing we found is a glow stick deep inside the place at a dead end it was fresh on our way out we found 2 more on the ground outside the entrance to the hole in the wall meaning someone was in there with us which seems impossible since we heard nothing and seen no lights flashing. as we were walking to the car we heard i believe from the 3rd floor window 3 shrilling screams of a female some say its wind but they were to feminine and to high pitch and long and to me it sounded like what was there enjoyed our company very much or it was the bats with wingspans on some over 12 inches:) we had alot of fun though watching Tommy run for his life lol then something passing past me i could feel it, then my superior driving on the thruway haha, and  sinking in the floor lol, and Amy falling and me jumping when jeff came around a corner. Overall it was a great investigation we took a ton of Pics and i want to thank Jeff,  Tommy and his wife and of course Amy for making this possible. Amy you did good considering you didn't work your way up just went straight to the most haunted place in NY:) anyhow if anybody has any more questions ill be online in a few days to answer.



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From:  "Jeff"
Date:  Sun Aug 18, 2002  1:33 pm

 The Asylum is monolithic from every angle you look at it. You real do not get an eerie feeling until your right up against on of its towering walls.  We proceeded to try and enter from the back which did not fend well other then hearing what I said "a dog howling off in the distance" and what Rick said was a woman yelling "help me". <lol> when your on the precipice of something like this...your minds can tell you what your hoping to hear I think.

 Our first choice of entry was not working so we trudged alongside the back of the structure through the thick high brush. <hehe> reminded me of playing "guns" when I was a kid in the fields. About 100 feet from our first choice of entry we found a tall window structure that was collapsed in. Bingo...coast was clear...we injected into the Asylum. Now...when moving through a structure like this...always take the time to watch your footing. The loose brick on the floor wiped out two of us in succession. I laugh about it now knowing no one got hurt ;-)

 Keep this noted...the pavilions are connected by annexes which are basically crescent moon shaped. Good reminders to keep yourself focused where your at inside of this place. The pavilions are two floors with a basement and attic. We had injected on the first floor and immediately went upward to the second floor. The pavilion floor plan is long hallway with patient rooms to the left and right and a general congregation area along with what most likely was the nurses station. Pretty much the same thing floor plan wise in the Erie County Home. Time has certainly aged this place into much decay.

 The basement hosts an airport to bats throughout <hehe> they vear off at the last second before they fly right into your head. Within the basement of this section we had found a laundry area, a cafeteria and general storage everywhere. Throughout we had come across chairs, wheelchairs, gerrychairs...just your typical stuff. Now...while moving through the basement we were startled by coming up on "a room with a light on". Yes indeed...a room with a generator and what appeared to be recent work on the fuse boxes within that room. I shot some video footage for prosperity ;-) 

Also note...on the floor throughout there is blue or red string marking a destination for possibly anything to fraternity gatherings, maintenance type work etc.  <lol> we did in fact walk in a complete circle throughout these pavilions because we came across our entry into the basement again <hehe>

 Now...the meat of it all...getting to the Administration section. Unfortunately this did not fend well at any floor level due to the doorways being cemented up -_- It took a few times for one of us to understand "don't bother, the door is cemented in" <hehe> 

"Darn". The Administration building supposedly has statues in there and all kinds of other items guarded. Most likely...patient records. At a few points we had to be church mouse quite because we came upon doors that were right at the outside tunnel annex...which students walk through occasionally to cut through. 

Now to keep it in perspective if you look at the structure from the front we were in the pavilions to the left of the Administration section. Though, I am not positive if we went all the way to the end of the left side.

 In our quest to get to the "other side" we did find a deep slope in the basement which is blocked by a feeble plywood board. Hmmm...something to remember for next time eh? The basement layout is simple...a long hall with area room to the right (depends which direction your traveling) and boiler piping to your left with associated nooks and service areas.

 Upon finding that "feeble board" it was just time for our "out of shape selves" to head out for home. " was already after 3AM :-o"

 "The glow sticks"...on the second floor annex which was blocked off from the Administration building we found a small purple glow stick...still illuminating. Hmmmm...peculiar as well as the supposed blood stains on the wood blocked doorway. Upon our exit from where we injected there were "two yellow glow sticks on the ground". Now...we either did not notice them when we went in or they were put there after we had injected. But, by whom and why? 

As we were walking back to where we parked...we heard three loud shrilling screams come from the building. Each one quieter then the other. I told Rick it is probably a baby rabbit in the bush. Baby rabbits cry just like a human baby. Rick stated "yeah but, a rabbit on the first or second floor?" was windy for a bit at that time and I deduced that it could have been the wind causing a "whistling effect" on some part of the building. Well...people have reported hearing "screams" coming from there. Odd that these screams stopped after the wind died down :-/

 So in conclusion some of us felt the first scream was a tormented soul crying for help...or...just a dog howling?

 What "was" the deal with the three glow sticks we found?

 Is that "feeble board" in the basement an entry point into the next section?

 Why is there lighting in that generator room? As well as a fresh lock and a "hum" from the electrical box in another generator room?

 The bloody finger prints if that is what they were on the wood barred doorway where we found the first glow stick?

 The three shrilling screams from the building as we were leaving? Was it a baby rabbit? Was it the wind whistling through the building? or...was it one of the insane?

 Did Rick really see a face in one of the windows before we had entered?

 And last...why is the Administration section cemented off?