Subj: [ParanormalGhostSociety] Tonight's Paranormal Investigation Report..... 
Date: 9/14/2003 3:29:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time 
To: , 

Wrights Corners Cemetery

As soon as we arrived here and I pulled in I could feel there was something in this cemetery. Their are some places you just know if something is lurking in the shadows. We parked in a newer section of the cemetery and explored the newer side first. Eventually leaving Mark behind so that Jason and I could take some photos here why he walked around and did some night vision filming. My interest are mainly in the older area so after a fairly long walk we arrived into the oldest area. Which was a couple hundred feet of many broken stones, some leaning, some so worn you could not read the inscriptions. This area of the cemetery felt colder and the whole night I went shirtless so I could feel the cold spots easier and I walked into one very major one but it felt like it was moving. Because Jason snapped a photo and whatever it was seemed to be gone and the cold feeling was gone as well. I eventually took a few photos in the older area and we met back with Mark. Not to far away from us a branch broke  and strangely enough this cemetery has only a few trees but it mainly is very open except for the woods in back. The branch that snapped was very close to us. Eventually we crossed the road and visited another section of this pretty cemetery. This section was very new most stones no older then 10 years. We came upon a freshly dug grave no older then a day or 2. there was many flowers. When you see that regardless you find it very sad sometimes you can almost feel a prescense by that spot as tonight I felt one. We took a few photos and headed back to the van. Mark then told me that when Jason and I were at the other end of the cemetery he seen a figure walking and he did try and film it. But then he said when he seen both camera flashes going off far away he knew it was not either of us. I believe it was ghostly in nature since near this cemetery is not much but country lands and woods plus it is very small. Also Mark was filming near the fresh grave when something touched his arm he also brought this up to me in the van. So all in all this cemetery does seem to contain some activity. Although honestly I did not feel along here the whole time I walked around through it. Then we had to turn the van around and down a very thin cemetery road lucky for me I am very precise or I would have grazed a marble headstone. But we got out of their with some patience. Then we headed off to our final destination.

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