Subj: [ParanormalGhostSociety] (Part 1) Last Nights Amazing Investigation Report  
Date: 2/19/2005 11:51:43 PM Eastern Standard Time 

Tolomato Cemetery

This place was amazingly dark and not as large as I thought it would be. At this point the cemetery is off limits even to local ghost tours. But many tales are told so entering here was just another chapter to our adventure for the night.

Aaron relaxed and stayed behind. I went inside by myself it was so dark and I left my light with Aaron so I was tripping over small stones occasionally.

There was very signs in the cemetery talking about the native American people such as the Indian village, the tribes, the chief etc etc. It was obvious the cemetery was very historical.

I was saddened to see the condition of the cemetery. I mean you will understand when you look at the photos. Many of the stones within the cemetery are ones you will not see in current cemeteries. There was one stone that was almost as tall as me and that was just a regular type of tombstone.

I did walk to the back of the cemetery and took photos of two cracked crypts. There was even a chapel of some kind in back made out of stone. The moon gently reflected above me the sky casting a shadow above it. 

There was an overwhelming feeling here and I will tell you this I was not alone. The cemetery was very active not alot of noise or anything like that. But when my flash went off I must had seen multiple apparitions moving around the cemetery. I really started to get uncomfortable here but what is odd is only parts of the cemetery have a real unsettling feeling.

Eventually Aaron came inside the cemetery and walked up to me. I was kind of laughing at him because I seen him duck down then stand up walk towards me lol. I was like how does it feel to be in one of the oldest cemeteries on the east coast lol. The ghost within the cemetery felt very old to me and perhaps rather defined. 

We did not spend alot of time here just enough to show you the stones and the ghost that haunt it. We then visited a statue within the cemetery and exited only to visit our next cemetery which is called Huguenot.

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