Stahler Cemetery is on 1-2 acres and is a paranormal lovers dream come true. It is not one of the cemeteries that gets a lot of attention rather even visitors. It was known as the Zion Church Cemetery in 1879 and later the  Church disbanded either 1882 or 1885. It was then Incorporated as Stahler Cemetery Association Inc. in 1891.This cemetery caught my interest when I use to go see a friend driving past it would give you a sense of something was there. We may not visit this cemetery again since our first investigation was a huge success. We caught apparitions not only inside the cemetery but outside the rod iron gates before even entering. On thing that stands out here is the 30-40 foot monument that is in the center of the cemetery its pretty visible from the road. I really like this cemetery the gates you have to open yourself and they creak just like something you would hear in a movie. The ghost here I sense are very lonely they grasp onto you almost instantly upon arriving. Almost every photograph we took had an apparition or ectoplasm of some kind. What really disappointments me about this cemetery is the condition it is in. Almost every stone is either broke, tipped, broken in half Ect. In the back of the cemetery is a few stones leaning against a wall and you just know that the graves are unmarked or rather they were put there because they were broke. Some of the stones are even hidden in thick bushes and are barely visible. But I really enjoy this place it is peaceful and it is the type of place I could sleep in at night. Most people would be terrified of such a place but some of the apparitions look so peaceful and kind that sleeping here probably would be safer almost then anywhere in the world. So that is just the feelings you get when walking around. We only spent 15 minutes here but our team was very productive in that time so is it haunted by the departed the answer is a BIG Yes!




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