Subj: [ParanormalGhostSociety] Tonight's Investigative Report  
Date: 10/19/2003 1:02:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time 
To: , 

Silver Creek Hell School 

The pictures don't do this place justice this school is HUGE we were quite surprised and happy about it though. We hiked in and could not help notice how many teenagers like to hang on the schools grounds at night. I guess there is not much else to do when you live in a small town but hang out or look for ghost like we did.

We were like kids looking in the windows and the basement had about 3 feet of water oh joy so we decided not to take that route. We entered the school and did some exploring our first area we arrived was the auditorium.

The Auditorium seemed to be cold and had some activity Mark got a nice Ecto shot and myself I had gotten a mild one but from looking at it tonight it looks like 2-3 children sitting in the seats watching me. I did not feel uncomfortable here though more welcomed then anything. I heard some noises here could have been water I do not know at this point but we walked around the first floor. We entered a few bathrooms, classrooms, admired the main entrance then noticed that the wood inside and doors were quite old so this building had some history. 

We walked up to the second floor area and we checked out the upper balcony in the auditorium. Then I went around some hallways and came to a classroom with some shelves. I heard something on the ceiling inside this room thought nothing of it said oh probably a bird or a bat. But then I walked back out an Mark was quite startled he just seen a ghost crawling on the ceiling looking down at him then it disappeared it got caught. I was quite shocked to know that the entity was in the room alone with me and worked its way over to Mark I guess I should have looked up. 

We made our way into another restroom a few odd rooms perhaps maintenance or teacher rooms possibly. I started to get curious as to where the Gym and the Cafeteria would be after 12-16 classrooms per floor and 3 large floors it must have had to have a big area to eat lunch and play at. We made our way to the third floor.

The third floor was very nice not as much cluttering or furniture as the other floors but we did find the gym and of course pigeons to add to the fun. I went to the basketball hoops heard some kids pretty close outside I am not even sure if it was ghostly children talking or someone actually on the grounds but being I was in a gym on the third floor they sounded like they were right near the window to close for comfort. We did explore the locker rooms of course. Their was also a door Mark opened then the door shut no problem. All of sudden something was pushing heavily on the door. It would close a few inches then something would push harder trying to shut it. Their was a piece of wood blocking the door and something was really trying to hard to make itself known with us. 

We worked our way to the cafeteria it was quite small a big room and a tiny kitchen and on the third floor. Not alot of activity here eventually we decided to head back downstairs, through the auditorium and say our goodbyes. One thing I could not help noticed in the school is the inconsistent cold spots as if something was moving around with us classroom to classroom.

We did a little walkthrough around the school one last time to admire its size. We could not find how to get on the second floor balcony. But we had fun and said wow we were looking out that window. We then headed home and were pretty happy with the results of tonight's investigations.

It was a rough night for me I just cannot shake this sore throat so I did not do to much talking to the entities at the school but I am glad we were able to take alot of photos inside we do hope to have them posted in the next few days.


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