Seminole Springs Private Cemetery is a mystery all in itself. As you drive down this woodsy road only one small light deep in the woods shines perhaps because their is a horse ranch back in here. Near the edge of Seminole State Forest the cemetery is quite secluded. I honestly can say I do not have much history just that the cemetery is very woodsy with alot of evergreen trees and their are a few stones dating back to the 1800s the rest are mid 1900s and their are a few newer stones.

Many of the stones are spread out and when I say spread out I mean you may have a stone alone then not see one for fifty feet. I believe now I could be wrong that the cemetery may have some Seminole origins but if it does not it probably got its name from the fact its in the Seminole Forest which has at least three springs which you will read about in our Seminole State Forest investigation.

Their is at least a hundred wood post that stick through the ground within the cemetery each one with a different number. I thought it was kind of odd it actually ruins the whole natural feeling to the area as you seen all these post with metal signs at the top of them. 

I do not think so much its the history that matters to this private cemetery as much as the fact that it sits in a very desolate area, in the middle of the woods, and on native American ground. That in itself should say enough. One of the gravestones here is missing the other part to it as only a square base sits in the ground. 

Another thing that really stands out here is the fact that its very pitch black if you had no light you probably would not even be able to see where your going. Their is woods on both sides and it goes back for a few hundred feet to a point where you cannot even see your vehicle. 

Other then that I have no further information on this place just that it is one of the creepiest cemeteries I been to in the many I have visited in central Florida. The ghost here seem curious but rather keep their distance. Their is perhaps feelings of what are you doing here since its a private cemetery. So the ghost probably were a little surprised to see a group of guys get out and start taking photos. But it is what it is a cemetery with perhaps a ghost story or two of its own to tell.

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