The House of Sans Souci remains very much a mystery in the Deland Township. Near the house at one time was an apparition seen of a man hanging. This house after this incident started to catch my interest and that is why I chose to investigate it. The house is roughly a century old and like most houses in the area it is historical as it is made of nothing but wood and brick. The inside of the house is stripped no walls, holes in the floor, a few appliances left over but honestly there is not much to see this is what makes it so eerie you could be watched from anywhere in the house upstairs or down.

The house is haunted to a point by a ghost that seems to keep its distance. As you can tell in the first investigation there is a light mist that stays roughly on the porch and when I get to close then its gone from what I noticed unlike some of the ghost who come right up to me. I do not have much information on it just that that it use to be split into 3 apartments and it looks to me like eventually it will be torn down by the town. Sad to say but once it does where will the ghost live or go? We often do not respect the deceased like we should.

PGS loves old haunted houses and this was a real treasure to have so close to home. I walk past it pretty often and wonder some nights if it would be more active or if maybe the entities would reveal themselves to me if I visited a few times. But just walking past the house you can feel something is watching you out the window as the days pass. This house holds many mysteries.

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