Subj: [ParanormalGhostSociety] Last Nights Investigation Report  
Date: 11/2/2003 2:18:44 PM Eastern Standard Time 
To: , 

Glen Falls Investigation 3 & Park Golf Country Club Of Buffalo

(This report also coincides or will be included on the Glen falls investigation in portal 1 since the 2 are next to one another)

We decided to go here after we could not find this other location we been to previously. So I decided what would be better then to have the team visit this haunted place since we were already in the area. We parked and hiked into the area where the great fire occurred, the flood, and where I captured some of the most stunning ghost photos and there was not a lot of activity. Although we arrived near the foundation and barn in the woods and it was very cold almost like ice. I replaced 4 batteries into my camera in less then a 5 minute time span I was pretty disappointed  because I really could not afford any more batteries and I was almost out but I managed. 

I was pretty upset because the bridge over the first creek was out so we had no choice but to cross the water. I crossed fast so I did not get really wet. Everybody made it with no problems. Always try and wear boots when you hike with me lol you never know where ill take you. But we got to the field eventually.

When we got about halfway across the field I snapped a photo of a nice apparition. I was pretty excited since honestly what is the changes of capturing a ghost in the middle of a field a few feet in front of your camera. Then after this i knew the whole night they would walk with us and they did because I could feel them. We started walking across the field and II sank into the wet ground then I took another step and both my sneakers filled with water it was quite disturbing as it was cold and I was like dancing the whole way till I got to dry ground. We arrived at the first wooden bridge it was pretty cold here and I felt watched.

We crossed into the orchards and hills and I decided to hike it in to a cemetery near a building in the woods with gargoyles. Past the apple I thought I seen a black shadowy figure walking then it disappeared. As I said this area is never a disappointment.  I had us cut in through some pine trees it was dark and I could not find the stairs to the back of this building. We ended up on the middle of a golf course lol after crossing another creek bridge. It was kind of funny I mean it felt like we walked into a vortex I have hiked many times back here and never ended up on some golf course always walked through the pine trees and behind some religious castle like building. I figured I cut the path wrong so we headed towards where it would be. We were in peoples mansions backyards with swimming pools, walking on sand bars and eventually to the woods again. 

I figured we would cut down and over because I started to see some weird building with a giant smoke stack we ended up climbing through thorns, logs, mounds and eventually were stopped by another creek it was to high to cross so we turned back. We went back to the pine trees cut down and the same thing again a creek blocking our way to the orchards there was no creek when cutting through there last time so at this point we were pretty damn lost. I almost fell to the ground laughing you have to when here you are walking in some haunted woods and what turns out to be just a short little ghost walk turns into 3 hours of climbing logs, ducking under trees, climbing through red brush. I had a thorn prick me in the center of my forehead and I even wished for a 6 pack at this point whewwww. Everybody was getting pretty tired and lagging and I was just running all over and excited despite we were lost i could feel the ghost still with us so to me I felt very at ease. 

Eventually we came to a bike path it may have even been a path for the golf course and it was like the enchanted forest or something you would see in the movies trees so thick on both sides that you could not even see the sky. We entered and I stopped because I felt something here beyond a doubt so quickly I snapped 3 photos in a row all 3 of them had apparitions and ectoplasm. Mark was snapping like crazy and got 2-3 also. It then moved on and both of us no longer got anything. But it gave me hope a lot of it because after 2 hours almost of walking around and hiking we turned in some pretty good ghost photos. As always with any investigation the good photos come when your in despair tired, lost, about to give up and we got them. 

We headed back onto the golf course it was if the ghost were trying to guide us. We cut across near some homes and came out through some brush onto the road. At last a road and back to society and the real world woohoo. We hiked down the road till I seen a giant pile of leaves and yes I jumped in them. Then Liz followed me it was fun I almost fell asleep. Then we walked up the road a bunch of ghost busters walking down a rich neighborhood at 3am lol and ran right into the car and found it just where we parked. At this point we were just happy to sit down and head home so we could dry off.

Ya know in closing to tonight's investigations and adventures I would like to say that what we do is not always pleasant to get our pictures we scale piles of wood, through thorn bushes, steep hills, creeks Ect but our persistence and tenacity pays off. If you do not work hard at what you do you won't produce results as someone asked me the other day why is it our group is so successful. Well the answer is simple we got lost, we spent a lot of time at each place last night and by the end of the night it paid off with some nice apparition photography. Maybe the ghost felt sorry for us or maybe we just worked so hard to get the photos that we achieved the goal by working together. Nothing comes easy and keep in mind what we do at times is intense, dangerous, tiring and it can be frustrating to where you wish you had a beer or you wish you were at home all toasty with a cup of hot chocolate. I will be added the glen falls investigation 3 and country club as separate investigations since I caught ghost activity in the park and then the golf course from getting lost. I looked at maps today and thought it was pretty funny how far we traveled by foot. Last night we had a lot of fun and in the end it turned out to be a pretty interesting investigation into the unknown with a lot of new twist and turns!


 0blueorb.jpg (50405 bytes)   pathentity.jpg (47545 bytes) archwayectoplasm.jpg (30746 bytes)  manygolfcoursefaces.jpg (66536 bytes)  morepathfaces.jpg (40817 bytes) mirroredpathghost.jpg (23161 bytes)  0greenrod.jpg (34406 bytes)    

Also check out Glen Falls in portal 1 since we wandered from Glen Falls onto the golf course. It is possibly these entities followed us all the way to the park country club as we did spend a couple hours hiking.