Subject: [ParanormalFlorida] Last Night's Investigation Report!
Date: 3/27/2006 6:30:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
To:, , 

Ocala Evergreen Cemetery

I will tell you one way streets suck lol it took us quite a few streets just to get here but amazingly we found it in a deplorable part of Ocala.

We got out of the truck and started walking on over to the front gates when we noticed that the cemetery resides on each side of the road. Both sides had wrought iron gates and stone pillars. Just from looking over the fence I could see many broken stones and many old trees canopying the entire cemetery.

There was a plaque which talked about the slaves buried here and I assumed that across the street perhaps was at once the segregated section until the one with the plaque combined. The plaque stated that this was the first actual burial grounds in Ocala and that many people on the county seat were buried here.

We entered first across the street we seen a section of graves that were collapsing and nearby an eerie giant stump. This area of the cemetery was probably the oldest section but there were only a handful of stones spread out in a large area which means many graves were unmarked here.

We walked around took a few photos then headed on over to the main part of the cemetery where the plaque stood. As we entered on into the cemetery I sort of split off from the girls cause I felt drawn to the back eastern section of it. Ariel and Carol pointed out these guard dogs staring us down outside the gates but we ignored them they seemed just curious is all.

I usually get a good feeling on where the ghost or entities are and I was right. I do believe however from the beginning we had the same mass of entities around us. It was very cold in the cemetery and all of us could barely feel our hands. It was much colder then any haunted places we went too that evening.

I finally reached the back and started to cut across the oldest section which had many stone walls, tipped stones, overgrown weeds, broken stones in piles, and even upper burial graves with the lid broken almost exposing the coffins. The cemetery had many family plots which were surrounded by wrought iron that was rusty. Some of the gates were bent or even laying on there sides.

It was obvious that Vandalism, hurricanes, and time has practically demolished the cemetery. Ariel finally made it over my way and we both heard something within the cemetery. It was a noise of some kind do not know if it was walking but it was some sort of movement in a very dark part of the cemetery.

We finally made our way on over to this giant monument maybe the biggest within the cemetery. The grass was so high surrounding it that it was consumed by them.

The cemetery was quite odd you would have 6 graves practically on top of eachother while there would be nothing for awhile but trees. One grave was buried within the roots of a tree. It just was a really eerie place and I could sense so many entities much higher then normal surrounding us at all times.

Carol did get an EMF reading here it was in an open area with no electrical lines and it apparently was something moving near us as I suspected. We were followed the whole time entering and leaving the cemetery.

On our way back at the gates the dogs came around they stood still watching us. I was prepared to protect them from the dogs cause you just never know until you approach them. Apparently they came from this fenced in area near the cemetery perhaps a junk yard. Carol talked to them and they got scared ran off.

We then headed on back to the car with ease and of course it was very cold by this time and I have no heat so yeah we could not wait to get home. We stopped off at a gas station so Carol could get some supplies but we did not need it since Evergreen would be our last investigation of the night.

We were going to visit another cemetery but to our luck we could not find it after the gas station. We drove down this woodsy dark road that was very rough terrain and both dirt roads led us to houses or some community where the lights went on and we peeled out of there.

We did not find the cemetery but it sure was fun driving down them hill dirt roads escaping them farmers with shotguns lol. After all the excitement I decided it was time to head home. It was a long drive in the woods home and Ariel slept from all the excitement.

In conclusion to this report we got a lot of good activity, photos, and it was a really nice last minute investigation I put together. It was also Carols first investigation with us so I am sure it will be always special to her. I always enjoy going out to Ocala its a real old Indian area with a lot of stories of battles, a fort, and rich history. Everytime we visit out this way we seem to do quite well and so our journey concludes but not forever.
PGS Founder


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Your Paranormal God

"Lord Rick"