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Subject: Our Expedition Of Meiss and Round Lake Field Report.......August 15th 2013
Date: 9/12/2013 10:55:02 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time
To: ParanormalBuffalo@yahoogroups.com, ParanormalGhostSociety@googlegroups.com, paranormalghostsociety@yahoogroups.com, ParanormalGhostSocietyConnections@yahoogroups.com, TheParanormalGhostSociety@yahoogroups.com, SupernaturalFlorida@yahoogroups.com, ParanormalCalifornia@yahoogroups.com, paranormalsincity@yahoogroups.com, Paranormalflorida@yahoogroups.com, sierraparanormal@yahoogroups.com, PGSPhantoms@yahoogroups.com

As some of you are aware when I put a Bigfoot expedition together I try to journey in places that mesmerize the mind. I take into consideration that each quadrant of the Sierras needs to be searched especially when it comes to cryptozoology. You never want to miss a cave or a series of broken branches or a decent track.
I am not much of a trail guy I hike some trails other times I just head off into the wilderness and where I end up I end up. I might end up on a peak or inactive volcano. I will come across lakes, streams, dens and other really cool places man has not ever been to. 
I spend allot of my time in nature many of you may not realize it but the UFOs, Bigfoot and even ghosts are quite abundant the further you go into seclusion. There is nothing beautiful about what we do we work very hard to bring our viewers the journeys we bring.
There are no easy hikes over the years cliffs, rock walls and thick brush hamper our journeys. However this place was in a league of its own. We parked up at the trailhead which ascends up into this lush canyon where a creek flows.
I ended up hurting myself bad I was leaning over to take a picture of a flower when the granite caused my footing to slip. I lost a few layers of skin on both of my legs and blood was just dripping all over the place. I did not give up nor did I complain I shrugged my head then moved on.
From a decent vista point I was able to see Caples Lake and the Carson Pass below. Once we reached the valley we were so close to climbing to the top of Red Lake Peak. Which is an area I captured a UFO and not to far from here some Bigfoot tracks.
We did nearly hike to Red Peak then came down this steep ravine where we would eventually make it to a meadow. Off in the distance I could see Lake Tahoe the south side that is. It looked from far away like a massive ocean or sea just waiting for our arrival.
This area is fairly new to us because we have not done many projects south of Tahoe up until this year. We found two other trails that branch off that we are eventually going to take but for now our goal was to hit Meiss and Round Lakes.
We would come across Meiss Lake fairly quickly the water was low the shoreline was marshy full of high grass. I thought this was just a pond but it actually is the lake itself. Not to far from that in the distance you can see the old homestead which included a barn. It was built in 1878 by a Louis Meiss. Picture house on the prairie that is what the scene looked like.
Both places were locked up good was able to get some shots inside the barn. As far as the house there was a small hole in one of the wood boards I looked in it and I thought something looked right back at me. I thought at that point I seen a ghost it sure looked like one.
The creek ran behind the house and there was even some sort of wall where this water could be collected the utilized. Further into hike the valley narrows and then you hit nothing but solid thick woods for a few miles. Eventually you come down onto Round Lake which follows these massive volcanic spires.
Once we made it to the shoreline we took a break ate lunch and took some killer scenic photos. One of them I am on a giant piece of volcanic rock right on the lake shore. This piece of rock is so large but at the same time so sharp. Climbing volcanic rock is dangerous I do it allot and I get cut up badly nearly everytime I do it.
Tammy and I we decided to follow the lake all the way around. There is no path around the lake its very rugged with drop offs and allot of big rocks to climb. But I wanted to be thorough in my investigation for any sign of Bigfoot evidence. What we ended up finding on the backside of the lake after we made it past all the obstacles was a very old wagon road and a dry creek bed. I also found a berry patch perfect for black bear and possibly Bigfoot.
We really took our time with this place even though the agenda for the day was to hike over 10 miles I made my journey very slow. I even revisted the historic home to see if I could check it out for ghostly activity. I noticed that the house had an electrical wire that went from the ground all the way up into the tree quite odd. I also was able to video record the entire history about the property which was owned by very brave Germans. This place is isolated so you had to depend on the streams for water, lakes for fish and the woods for wild game.
As sunset came into play the volcanic rock looked red and their were multiple colors of the sky just merging together over Tahoe. Tammy took a seat at Meiss Lake and I went to check out a few sites. Whenever I look for Bigfoot I go right out to the very end. You have to take that extra step especially when your dealing with a creature that sees this forest as his home. So I have learned to navigate through it no compass no maps just hardcore exploring in the foliage for tracks and trace evidence of this creature.
I ran up a hill where I found an old post from the 1800s so it was obvious that at one time sheep and cattle were probably herded here. Ranching in the high sierras still plays a major role in the beef industry today. I will hike sometimes 10k and find a few cattle just walking in the woods. Its odd its even creepier then coming across Sasquatch lol.
I went down to Meiss Lake to a very muddy section of the lake that is when I found a very large 15" track and extremely wide. It also left very large toe impressions and I do believe I found what I was looking for. Which makes sense because this valley connects to Luther Pass and the Desolation Wilderness which are extremely high intense Bigfoot sighting areas. One area I was chased by a thing that broke a deer practically in half the other one I found tracks that had to be the size of something 9' and larger.
All these trips we take are not for nothing they are so I can design maps of migratory patterns and gather other scientific data. It is important and someone needs to do it to help protect the species. It was obvious that something came to the lake to have a drink.
By the time we reached the truck it was dark out. The few hundred feet climb down into the pass is very narrow between a mess load of thick foliage and large rocks. Its very easy to loose footing or track of where you are going at times. But we were very sad to go we tried so hard to prolong the adventure. Hiking back at sunset was gorgeous some of the prettiest sunsets are captured in this region so it was really good timing.
Hearing the crickets and the frogs on the way back to the truck was refreshing. It is what I live for I mean honestly I go on the Internet people hate on me. But when I go into nature its just the purest thing I can do in my life. We saw allot of wildlife which as you know I also film and photograph for our viewers. I try to give you guys the entire experience not just a few shots and that is it. We want to make you become a part of our journey and do this together.
Very soon may be our last Bigfoot expedition of 2013 I cannot say much but can tell you it involves a ghost town, mine, four lakes, two peaks and one massive rock formation id love to climb on top of. I will camp a few days straight in the wilderness in hopes of getting some footage of the North American Great Ape.  The fall is a great time to run into this creature and I am sure I am going to get closer then ever. Since its not to far away from Meiss Lake ill be able to branch off each day on 10 mile journeys and bring back one hell of a tale.
I do look forward to returning to Meiss maybe next year get on the PCT and hit Showers Lake or a place called Big Meadow which is full of wild flowers. This is why I love the sierras they are so magical and different no matter what part of them you journey at.  There is nothing greater then being able to drink a cold beer in the outdoors or sit back smoke your pipe under a tree. But the most exciting part of such a journey is when you know you found the track of a true monster. That very same monster that you may have missed by a matter of minutes and you ask yourself who really is watching who?
Lord Rick
PGS Founder
PS Now since the Yosemite Rim fire is nearly contained it is safe for us to be back outdoors hiking. They had warnings on television to wear mask and stay indoors. The smoke consumed places like Meiss and the foothills. Hence why there has not been any updates or expeditions. Expect some really good stuff to come your way as we do our most major bigfoot expedition of the year soon and bring you a very creepy October. Your going to love what we have in store for you!

This track was found just before sundown near Meiss Lake. Its a little distorted this is because the earth is so soft here that mud is just pouring in from differnt angles. It would be easy to ignore except the fact that their are visitble toes that are attached to this deep impression and the fact that its very stranger we found just only one.

We call this rock old smiley found it in the woods and its just that a rock with a happy face. It was caused by natural phenomena so no its not man made. Its just something we can add to our list of strange finds along our journeys.

A different view of the Meiss Lake impression this time you can see the toes a little better. It definitely is a massive impressiion whatever made it. It had no arch either it was just a very large foot foot that happened to step down right into this muddy patch along the lake shore.

These caves found high up on a cliff were formed in a volcanic spire so they could just be lava tubes or vents. Today however since the volcanos are no longer active they could be providing shelter to Bigfoot. Just below the caves is an entire forest full of berries so there is a food source besides having Round Lake below. This cave would give a creature like Bigfoot the opportunity to look out ahead of time if anyone is passint though this lush valley.

This is not a track of any sorts although it could have been at one time. The earth here is very solid so whatever made the impression had allot of weight behind it cuasing a part of the ground to sink in. This could be a heel or the side of a foot where something could have stepped downward exhiliterating enough force to cause such a large wide impression.

I found these three large toe impressions in the woods. With infared and other techniques we were able to emhance the image so you could see the impressions much better. The three toe impresssions were made by something with a very wide and large foot. Each toe impression is twice the width and length of my big toe if persay I could describe them. We do think that a Bigfoot like creature left these behinds. Since most of the earth is very rock and hard the toe impressioned were formed in the sandier part. Where the heel would be nothing was left behind as there is less sand and much larger pieces of granite.
Compliments of volcanic rock slipped on it while photographing flowers early on in the expedition. I remember hiking and having the blood just running down my legs and having to wipe it off. When hiking in the sierras the rocks are very sharp its okay to climb them but if you slip or you fall expect to be torn up no matter how careful you are.

Video Evidence

Tammy pointed out this hidden area we found in the woods behind Round Lake. This is not a trail its all primitive anthropology and cryptozoology as were looking for tracks. No we did not find tracks but we found an area where heavy brush had been mowed down as if something massive came through here. It would make sense since this animal path follows a seasonal creek which leads right to Round lake.

Upon wrapping up our day I found this unusual track on the lakes shore. This was the only one like it besides some wolf and mountain lion tracks. What I found unusual is how large it was and it contained no arch whatsoever. The track was about 15" a little wider then my size 12 shoe and there were clear toe impressions as if something Kneeled down to get a drink from the lake.

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