Medicine Wheel Park is another one of the many parks in the Cassadaga community which is quite hidden in foliage. Part of a foundation is now buried under moss and brush perhaps at one time a house sat within the park itself. The park I believe was established in 1897 and today many visit it perhaps to see the stones which depict a celestial calendar. Some say there is a vortex here and absolutely no trees grow within the sacred circle. We were not able to find the Medicine wheel when were here and its possible at this point that due to the high grass that it is buried unfortunately on our first investigation. However, on our second trip here we did find the medicine wheel which was further down a path and seems to possess alot of energy. But none the less this park is very sacred and the medicine wheel was at one time a very valuable asset to the native American people in this area.

Now lets talk about Myers Prayer Garden Park it is what it is. You walk down a hill an end up in a stone circle. In the center of the circle is a garden full of lush beautiful flowers. Surrounding the circles are stone benches, chairs and much fauna. Perhaps there is a sense of serenity here and many of the local mediums come here to pray and perhaps talk to spirits. This park I notice is not comfortable to be in perhaps its the neighbors across the street who watch it but it does not feel friendly. One thing I do notice about the park is that the stones which are embedded within the hill creating a circle are very old and perhaps already existed long before Cassadaga came to be so once again another sacred place.

There are a few stories that come to mind when thinking about both parks many have said that at Medicine Wheel Park they see Indian ghost or capture orbs with faces. Others say its a place of great power due to its sacred history.

Then we move on to Myers park which years ago the park had various fountains but were removed when two children almost drowned. Signs of the fountains do not exist today unfortunately. Also across from Myers park there is a house which the first murder since Cassadaga had been founded took place here. A man by the name of Mr. James Buchanan a medium was killed by a man he hired to repair his roof. Apparently after his murder the criminal took off with his Cadillac stealing it and the body was not found for a few days after. For the most part the community is quite peaceful but this incident just showed the locals that no matter how spiritual the town is evil still lurks. Perhaps this is one of the reasons alot of the locals remain very much to themselves here.

Both  parks in my opinion contain alot of energy and play a part in Cassadaga's history.

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The Medicine Wheel represents the wheel of life. The cross in the center of the medicine wheel represents the four directions, the four colors of man (red, black, white and yellow), and the four seasons. The medicine pouch in the center contains the four sacred medicine wheel teaches balance, harmony, and the brother hood of man.  



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