Subj: [ParanormalGhostSociety] Tonight's Investigation Report......  
Date: 10/26/2003 2:47:34 AM Eastern Standard Time 
To: ,  

Ledge Lawn Cemetery

I have been fascinated with this cemetery for quite some time as I said yeah some day ill investigate it so tonight made me happy to take a walk throughout it. We entered the cemetery and split off in separate directions. I was more infatuated with the different types of stones here such as one that had a crown at the top, one that was embedded deep in the ground Ect so the stones caught my eye first of all.

We did not get many good photos here the rain was coming down so hard it was almost impossible to work. But we managed. Mark and I went to an area in the back by the woods and said something and the reaction I got to it was pretty intense. I felt touched and surrounded by a touch so cold it felt like it was below zero. It was very icy and it would not let up one bit and it was just this one area an area where the oldest stones seemed to be. 

I again took off searching for odd stones seen 2 stones a couple that was buried in some bushes. Tom caught up to me said he seen something move in an unused or darker area of the cemetery. This is quite common when you get curious unseen guest they will stay far away and sometimes observe. We took a few photos and in the sky was an orange globe of light it was very large and It did not look like no star or plane. It was not high in the sky and it seemed to just hover but after a few minutes the cloud cover totally eradicated it from my view. We then headed off to  our second investigation of Delaware Road!


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greenrods.jpg (33752 bytes)  flagecto.jpg (42582 bytes)  


More Photos from this investigation coming in the future!!!!