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During my production preservation project on the history of Williams Station I encountered five hunters who approached me with immediate hostility as you will come to find out from this clip I have compiled. Now keep in mind this is a public state park people come here to camp, picnic, hike, metal detect and hunt all proceeds go to the state park.  After I worked hard to trudge through the mud they came rolling on in showing signs of hostility. They are wanted for questioning in regards to unlawful imprisonment, harassment, assault and terroristic threats directed towards me. I was not interrupting their hunt they just decided not to share the land with another fellow Nevadan thus humiliating me and taking away my freedom therefore I want to bring these men to justice and my goal is to clean up the trash in the Lake Lahontan area literally! This documentary is a detailed encounter with these hunters all the way from video footage, sound clips, photos and lastly a personal long segment which talks about my encounter with the hunters and the dark history that surrounds the area starting at the 13:55 time stamp. This area was once under an ancient sea later the white man came into the area built Williams Station which such stations became issues for the local natives though the station was burned and raided in a massacre. Later on this would lead to the Paiute Indian Wars and eventually a battle would be fought near the grounds of where these hunters stood. Later in 1881 the station being built once again would be called Honey Lake Smiths Station and a man killed an Irishman at this location who was rebuilding it for no reason and never was arrested then later came the dam in 1911 where everything was lost to nature. Today murder and death continues to occur in this area. The question is would I become another victim of the negativity that surrounds this area and become one with all the other tragedies that seem to be part of this land? Nothing would stop me from journeying where I had to go not guns, lawlessness or even hostile hunters who made a very serious mistake. If you know who these hunters are we believe them to be from Fallon, Fernley, Silver Springs, Dayton, Stage Coach or Winnemucca areas of Nevada. After profiling them I am certain that some of them may be stationed or work at the Fallon Naval Base or are ex military. Help us find them because if we do not god help anyone else who might encounter this group may not be as lucky as I was no matter I stood my ground as hunting here is a privilege and we must make sure that incidents like these do not happen in the future we have an obligation to make sure that the wild west does not become lawless and final conclusion to my experience with them is they were either poaching or dumb hicks. Lets get these guys afterall they give every other hunter a bad name this is not the 1800s! Since we base everything off of reality please remember this video is for mature audiences only!
If you have any information please email us AngelOfThyNight@paranormalghostsociety.org just as you can contact the rangers headquarters for the Lake Lahontan area to prevent this from ever happening to anyone else at:
Anthony Beauregard
Park Supervisor
Lahontan State Recreation Area
Ph) 775-577-2235
Fx) 775-577-4408
We are sorry some of the footage is poor one of the hunters slung mud on my cam therefore to do the interview it was skipping, not focusing and recording as sharp as it should. So this is all I was able to put together and salvage from the incident no less its very incriminating evidence gone public to help find them.

On December 6th at 10:30 am I was producing films on the dry lake beds of Lake Lahontan in Silver Springs Nevada when I came across a total of five hunters.  I was within the state park hiking with Tammy out to a place known as Williams Station. Very little is left of the station but over the years it has been exposed by receding waters therefore its a relevant site considering that A. Five people were massacred in the 1800's at the station found burned to death and B. A battle ensued here therefore both the Paiutes and militia from the nearby Fort Churchill were killed in that battle thus this is a historic site. The burning of the station led to the Paiute Indian Wars or as some call them the Pyramid Lake Wars and Major Ormsby was killed in one of those battles.

Every year in December when I do an adventure or investigation I do sort of dress like Santa its meant to make learning fun so that when kids browse our website they can get a chuckle while learning American West history. In doing so the lake bed had some very muddy areas therefore getting to the station was a very long hike and I struggled being that I suffer from a knee disorder along with the fact I have had a knee operation. So as I neared the general site I started following the Carson River which was trickling through the dry lake bed therefore I had to find a way around it to get to the station rather then walk in the river and sink to my waste possibly damaging my gear.

During the expedition I had hiked almost two miles trying to avoid mud and puddles in doing so two hunters ran up to me one with a rifle the other one slinging mud at me like an ape. So I knew from the get go these guys were obviously trouble because its not normal for any hiker let alone hunter to just charge a person. I never even seen them coming because they were hiding behind tree stumps to the SW while I was trying to go around a pool of water to the SE. Below is a photo of two of the hunters that approached me I have also attached a video above which has voice recordings with threats to beat me, put my face in the mud and even telling me I am not passing which we hope by posting the video that we can find the individuals responsible for assault, terroristic threats, harassment and lastly False Imprisonment since they surrounded me not letting me pass at a public hiking area. Although I am not seeking to put anyone in jail I do want to push to have all the individuals banned from hunting here period. If hunters cannot respect the hikers here then they are a risk to park enthusiast.

This is two of the hunters approaching me yes they came out from behind the stumps you see straight ahead. You can clearly see that I wanted to go around the water to the left that is why I was following it so I could maneuver around the water and go eastward. Keep in mind that the geese generally fly in from the north therefore no I was not scaring them away or ruining there hunt. I was merely just going around the water then heading on over to the honey lake region which btw has no water at the time and was dry. Therefore it had NO GEESE and the hunters you see in the photo were hunting to the right of this photo while I was heading to the left. In simple terms if they were heading westward and I asked to go eastward then they should have technically had no issue with it then again its a state park so if I want to go photograph geese or Williams Station I have that legal right!

  This is the enhancement above and a close up of the individuals I believe that they are from Fallon, Fernley, Silver Springs, Yerington or some other location in northern Nevada based on their accents. There were five hunters in total but I only have this photo of two of them. That is because when he ran up to me and starting getting angry due to my presence he had gotten mud on the lens therefore I had to shut down the came which then I ran my voice recorder instead so its important to at least watch the first 11 minutes of the video so you can hear the words being exchanged.

Keep in mind take a look at this still below of where I was hiking too which is to the SE known as the honey lake area is just over the pool of water. The Hunters were heading to my right which is westward or away from me. As you can see there are geese in the pool of water to the right of the hunters.  I am nowhere near them this is when they come rushing at me,. The real question is shouldn't these men be hunting the geese instead of running to me then becoming hostile?  I can support what I say because this is more evidence when they came running at me I did not even see them till I found this clip. They were hiding behind these stumps and on the ground like it was Vietnam. I have news for you they are just geese my son probably could hit one with a bow standing up maybe they were hiding from me paranoid over Lord Rick Claus?

Prior to this photo I took during my hike I came very close to many geese they were not scared of me therefore we have hundreds of geese and five men with guns. I have easily mapped it out for those who want to get a visual of my journey in comparison with the hunters.  Let me just say the geese do not fly in from the SE where I was journeying which is around this deep pool of water. Most of the wetlands are north of here therefore the geese fly in from the north. These hunters claimed I would ruin their hunt but as you can see this is proof that they could have stayed in position and shot any of these geese. Besides the fact most advanced hunters who wish to preserve the meat or get it taxidermed know that you need to use a pellet gun so that the creature does not sustain any damage. It was the holidays maybe they wanted to put a bird on the table who knows and I was okay with that minding my own business as the five hunters should have also done. Normally when I come up to other hunters I tell them about tracks or wish them luck or check out there weapons and its all good but not these hunters so keep on reading more below!

A third hunter approached me after these two would not get me to leave the area this man was very aggressive id say no more then 5'2 to 5'5, middle aged 54 to 56 years of age, short box beard, roughly 130 to 145lbs, short gray to salt n pepper hair and facial hair. He was the leader of the hunting group wore a black hate with a military emblem on it that was gold possibly the Navy. Keep in mind that the Fallon Naval Base is near by and also the Dixie Valley Base. I believe at least three of these men are stationed at either base and have military backgrounds since generally most of the people that spend time at the lake also live on base just 20 miles up highway 50. Below is kind of a sketch of what the man looks like if you were to put a black hat colorize it a little with gray hair it would be very similar to the sketch.

This brainless hick sorry but its true wanted to fight me in the mud like this is some female wrestling match all because I was out hiking and they did not want me to go around them. They tried to block, threaten, take away my freedom and even mock me. I believe the hunters were poaching they also had rifles not pellet guns. Sadly these were the worst hunters I ever seen they were in camouflage made for the forest not for the high desert for one. What is even more suspicious is they had about 25 geese in front of the tree stumps some of them struggling in mud and instead of hunting them they were busy trying to hunt me which ill get into later.

If you go check out our videos you will see that their are geese honking therefore no I was not scaring them away. They had many geese they could have hunted towards the west side of the lake therefore me heading to dryer land to the west would have no effect on their ability to hunt. I ripped these two photos out of the video to show you that the geese were nearby the hunters and me. Despite the men yelling at me trying to use the excuse that I was scaring them their was an entire flock behind them near the tree stumps they were hiding behind thus these hunters are either stupid or just have no idea what the hell they are doing.


 As you can see the geese were behind the hunters back and instead of running up to me they could have been hunting them. My son and I we always hike at locations with allot of wildlife. We also photograph allot of Canadian Geese like the ones you see off in the distance and normally they let us get very close.  So I knew no matter if I was dressed like Santa it would not scare them away as during my hike I passed quite a few geese and my presence did not scare them away therefore hiking around the hunters honestly should not have been an issue.

When I refused to hike all the way back to the beach which would require me to travel almost two miles along a water channel then head all the way back onto the beach and back out to Honey Lake the situation continued to escalate. Two more hunters then appeared I seen both of them pointing rifles at me perhaps to intimidate or get me to leave. I asked these guys to pass they refused at a public park where some old man was metal detecting at but could not see the incident because it occurred in the middle of Lake Lahontan therefore its fairly lawless here. When I say lawless I mean people shooting guns, dealing crack/meth and even dumping bodies here all the way to murdering others.

The men tried to say I would not make it over around the other side but the truth is the vegetation on the other side was thicker and their was less water which means for me drier land. Then when I threatened to call the rangers they told me I was on crack and begin to act like grade school bullies making fun of how I look and my red fleece I was wearing they said nice shirt. The idiots do not realize I wear bright clothes sometimes so hunters do not shoot me. However these men have no frontal lobes and do not realize that the station is where the lake is today.  Due to drought you cannot boat and hiking on the lake bed is a task no less mud can be fun if your a country boy. The bearded short dwarf said he could see my eyes that I was up all night and a crackhead. I have never touched crack in my life but now this guy has sonic vision the ability to see through my sun glasses mehhh! I am a father and run an honest busines for me the paranormal is something I do to mentor the public provide a hidden truth. But also the preservation of these locations and life itself is really who we are! 

Decades ago dams were built to contain some of the Carson Cities River water to form the lake here as a source of water or reservoir rather for many of the local towns in northern Nevada. When the basin was flooded it consumed Williams Station therefore it was very important that we did a story here since it might once again go underwater for fifty years. So honestly what these men call a once a year opportunity hunt for me the station is a once in a lifetime site as once it goes underwater its possible it could stay that way for decades.

Finally they let me pass of course they told me I had five minutes and to chop chop then called me a nerd. Which I take great offense to not because of the name calling but because I am a true outdoorsmen therefore I cliff climb, rock climb, summit peaks, cross raging rivers, hike, fish, hunt and do many preservation projects. I was out at Williams Station just doing my job nothing more nothing less I never would have done anything to these hunters other then wave at them as I passed by which is the Nevadan way not the hick way and that is what these guys are brainless hicks. They have no idea that they are standing on a battlefield or that the station is a historic site nor was I going to explain it just as they wanted me to go to the beach and find it. Its not on the beach but rather a small hill in what was known at one time as Honey Lake where I met the hunters at.

The leader of the hunting pack fired his gun at me I thought I was going to get shot I truly did. I was angry that they refused to let me pass so I pretty much told them to shoot me then because I was not turning back. My knee was killing me and I only had a few feet left to get to the station so why would I turn back just so these men can kill geese stuck in mud? Since a gun was fired at me that is assault and its just something you do not do to a person. Luckily the bullet did not hit me but I swore not to far off I seen dirt/dust fly up from where the bullet hit.

After the incident it appeared that the hunters ran SW towards the beach where there is a road probably where they were parked. Since I told them I was calling the rangers the hunters did split and leave the area.  I had a clip of them running away but since my cam had gotten mud on it is corrupted. What this proves is your not even safe in a state park just as I paid to be here these hunters could have easily went to any of the wetlands in Northern Nevada and would not have to deal with hikers if they chose not to deal with any people. But if your hunting here you have to expect to deal with metal detectors, Williams Station historical buffs and hikers. Not to mention children and families who come out here to explore. Why these men did not hunt elsewhere considering that many of the lakes and hunting areas in Northern Nevada have plenty of geese in a much more remote setting.

Again watch the video I put it together with voice clips of the hunters which they do incriminate themselves beyond a shadow of a doubt. If you know these individuals even one of them that is all the rangers need so they can question them and decide the course of action. I do plan on particularly pressing chargers on two of the five hunters. If you have any information you can email me at AngelOfThyNight@paranormalghostsociety.org such as if you have there names, facebooks, google+ accounts, address etc etc and I either can forward it to the rangers or below you can contact Anthony Beauregard who is the state parks supervisor and law enforcement. I just want justice it should not matter how your dressed or what you look like I was profiled, bullied and assaulted. Laws were broken and these hunters broke the Nevada code of outdoorsmen. More then likely they were poaching as I was told only two hunters checked in that day the two that checked in were in another area of the lake which has 73 miles of shoreline which means some of the hunters may have been illegally here hence why they were opposed and intimidated by my presence.

Then if you listen to the video you will see them tell me I wont make it across the other side due to mud. I was already muddy head to toe what is the difference? I have crossed many dry lake beds in this region with mud to document bigfoot tracks and to get to underwater ruins so it was not my first rodeo so these guys had no idea who I am or the type of productions we do. How does someone go from calling you a crack head, threaten you, swear at you, hold you nearly hostage then tell you they are concerned I wont make it over there. They are clearly delusional and honestly idiots lets face it nobody with a sane mine would ever approach and assault Santa. They are very lucky that day my dog and my firearm was not with me because I have PTSD from my early childhood and I felt the threat of imminent bodily harm fear for my life. Ever here the stand your ground law truth be told I could have legally and its ashamed it almost came to this all over enjoying the outdoors and a little history.  Imagine having guns pointed at you are surrounded by a bunch of hicks. The guy who first approached me was slurring which means he had to be drinking still not an excuse. In Nevada hunters, hikers and explorers respect each other even talk to one another not these guys. These guys had every intention of wanting to mud wrestle or shoot me dead enough said! They have no clue that they are on the grounds where people were murdered and that this area was a battlefield therefore it deems respect not someone telling me I am "Fucking Them" that is just paranoia as if I hiked through the mud to find hunters hiding behind tree stumps come on' sheesh!

Either way I am asking someone to come forward and do the right thing here the evidence speaks for itself. In the video you will see them threatening, telling me I cant pass, name calling and the gun shot. I am asking for anything the public may have PLEASE! If you listen to the first 11 minutes of the video you can hear the entire crime taking place it is what it is thank you! If this happened to you then you would want the same five guys five guns and only one of me because my GF was on the beach because she lost her socks in the mud. Laws were broken justice needs to be served these guys give hunters a bad name and they do not own Lake Lahontan other people come here also to journey they tried to take that from me.  I was not disrespectful just a guy who worked hard to push through the mud to get to the station so we could do our film so that the local high schools could learn about how the Pyramid Lake Wars started. I never even seen them coming all I seen is going around a pool of water to get to where I had to go only to be told I cannot pass and threatened from the get go. Most hunters let other hikers pass especially when their is over 100k geese in this region every winter if not triple that number so seriously a once a year thing that is just a crock of BS. These were not hunters just a bunch of boy acting hicks with guns thinking they could push me into submission by hiking extra miles for their own personal laughs nothing more and after that being as injured as I am I eventually did pass regardless and for that I was victimized for being in a public state park I paid to hike at. This could happen to YOU! Contact us please if you have any information our society along with its thousands of members would appreciate some closure to this incident!

Anthony Beauregard
Park Supervisor
Lahontan State Recreation Area
Ph) 775-577-2235
Fx) 775-577-4408

I begin to follow smaller tributaries of the Carson River as I was closing in on Williams Station and the Honey Lake area. Things were looking quite grim some of the mud was deep and some of those smaller tributaries dead end at large pools of water which are well over my waste. I would follow the tributary to this pool of my water journeying SE my goal was just to get to the station and nothing would not stop me. Not even these hunters who ran up to me in this video like a bunch of buffoons. If you pay very close towards the end of this video you will see that I was filming the hunters but I did not know they were there that is because they came out from behind tree stumps and would not be aware of this till after they talked to me which turned into them exhibiting signs of paranoia, delusional behavior and obviously hostility towards another Nevadan. This is what we call hick trailer trash someone who has no regards for another hiker and think that chasing me instead of the geese behind this dudes shoulder is more relevant then minding his own business! Wait till you see the next video just watch as it gets worst!

I took these selfies before heading up to the lake yes a doughnut and some coffee not crack not drugs but breakfast for a long muddy hike. Its a PGS tradition to get coffee and doughtnuts in the morning whenever we go out to ghost towns or adventure somewhere. I also like to hike with my coffee because its warm and helps me with my arthritist in my fingers.

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Ashland Area, Huntsville Area, Idaho Falls - Pocatello Area, Indianapolis, Iowa City, Jackson, MI, Jackson, MS, Jackson, TN, Jacksonville, Jefferson County, Johnstown - Altoona, Johnstown, Jonesboro, Joplin, Joplin - Pittsburg, Juneau, Kansas City, Knoxville, La Crosse, Lafayette Area, Lafayette, IN, Lafayette, LA, Lake Charles, Lansing - East Lansing, Lansing Metro, Laredo, Las Cruces, Las Vegas, Lawton, Lehigh Valley, Lewiston - Auburn, Lexington, Lima, Lincoln, Little Rock, Little Rock - Pine Bluff Area, Long Island, Longview, Los Angeles, Louisville, Lubbock, Lynchburg Area, Madison, Madison Metro, Mankato Area, Marquette, Memphis, Merced, Meridian, Michiana, Milwaukee, Missoula, Mobile, Mobile Pensacola Area, Monroe, Monterey Bay Area, Montgomery, Myrtle Beach Area, Naples, Nashville, National, New Orleans, New York, North Central Ohio, Northeastern Pennsylvania, Northeastern South Carolina, Northern Alabama, North Jersey, North Platte Area, Northwest Alabama, Northwest Arkansas Area, Northwest Arkansas, Oklahoma City, Omaha, Onslow County, Opelika Auburn, Orange County, Orlando, Ottumwa - Kirksville, Owensboro, Palm Springs Area, Pensacola, Peoria - Pekin, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Piedmont Triad, Pine Bluff, Pittsburgh, Portland, OR, Portland, Portsmouth Rochester, Presque Isle Area, Providence, Pueblo, Punta Gorda, Quad Cities, Quincy - Hannibal - Keokuk, Raleigh Durham, Rapid City, Redding - Chico, Redding, Red River Valley, Reno, Richland - Kennewick Area, Richmond, Rio Grande Valley Area, Roanoke, Rochester, MN, Rochester, NY, Rock County, Rockford, Sacramento, Saginaw - Bay City - Midland, Salt Lake City, San Angelo, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Barbara, Savannah Area, Scranton Wilkes Barre, Seattle, Sharon, Shenandoah Valley, Sherman - Denison, Shreveport - Bossier City, Shreveport, LA Area, Sioux City, Sioux Falls, South Bend, Southeastern North Carolina, Southern Colorado, Southern Maine, Southern Oregon, Southern Washington Area, Southern West Virginia, South Florida, Southwestern Indiana, Southwest Florida, Southwest Georgia, Spokane, Springfield Area, Springfield - Decatur - Danville, Springfield, MO, Springfield, State College, Steubenville - Weirton, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Sumter, Syracuse, Tallahassee Area, Tampa Bay, Terre Haute, Texarkana, Toledo - Findlay Metro, Toledo, Topeka Area, Tri - Cities, Tri - State Area: KY - IL - MO, Tucson - Sierra Vista, Tulare County, Tulsa, Tuscaloosa, Twin Cities, Twin Falls Area, Tyler Area, Tyler, Utica - Rome, Victoria, Waco, Washington, DC, Waterloo Cedar Falls, Watertown Area, Wausau - Rhinelander Area, West Central Ohio, West Central Wisconsin, Western Carolina - NW Georgia, Western North Carolina, West Palm Beach, West Texas, Wheeling - Steubenville Metro, Wheeling, Wichita Falls & Lawton, Wichita Falls, Wichita & Western Kansas, Williamsport, Yakima, Youngstown - Warren, Yuma, Zanesville, Altamonte Springs, Crescent City, Eustis, Hollywood, Leesburg, Jupiter, Neptune Beach, New Port Richey, Lake Wales, Lake Mary, Titusville, St Cloud, Santa Rosa, Palmetto, Vero Beach, St. Petersburg, Baton Rouge, Meridian, Jackson, Hattiesburg, Biloxi, Pascagoula, Gulfport, Seminole, Bordin Booger, Panama City, Goblyn, Ghouls, Loch Ness, Nessie, Bessie, Selkies, Mermaids, Sirens, Kraken, Dragons, Plesiosaur, Loveland Frog, Sprites, Seljord serpent, Exmoor Beast, Big Cats, Lake Normon, Lake Bala, Cressie, Alkali, Illiamna Lake Monster, Cressie, Nyami Nyami, Masbate, Ponik, Chessie, Selma, Tacoma Sea Serpent, Storsie, Cadborsaurus, Lake Utopia, Gloucester, Lake Tianchi Monster, Tessie, Mokele-Mbembe, Mongolian Death Worm, Impakta,Orang-Pendek,Owlman, Easter Island, Olifiau Monster of Flatwoods, Big Bird, Tatzelwurm, GOATMAN OF MARYLAND , BEAST OF BODMIN MOOR, Kaptar, Biabin-guli, Grendel, Ferla Mohir, Brenin Ilwyd, Ngoloko, Kikomba, Gin-sung, Yeti, Mirygdy ,Mecheny, Chinese Wildman, Nguoi Rung, SPRING HEELED JACK, Pressie, Hardin, White River, Parapsychology, Elves, Bennington Triangle, Marfa Lights, OBE, Astral, Enigma, Urban Exploration, Tunnels, Caves, Gaia, earth, healing, new age, runes, goddess, covens, Asatru, Asatruar, Druid, Druidism, Druidry, Druids, Odian, Odianism, Odians, Odin, Odinism, Odinist, Odinists, Santeria, Santerian, Santerians, Setian, Setianism, Setians, Strega, Stregheria, Wicca, Wiccans, Witch, Witchcraft, Witches, Pagan, Paganism, Neo-Pagan, Neo-Paganism,Neo-Pagans, poetry, cats, faerie, fairy, faeries, elements, occult, metaphysics, reiki, alchemy, shaman, Shaman, Shamanism, Celtic, Native American, Norse, tarot, divination, circle, fellowship, Samhain, Yule, Imbolic, Ostara, Beltane, Midsummer, Lughnassah, Mabon, crystals, nature, moon, mythology, sabbat, chants, dragons, tantra, singles, dating, willow, fire, Isis, gothic, renaissance, numerology, astrology, Rite, Rites, altar, Mysticism, brews, Deity, Talisman, Voodoo, charms, Bos, Diana, Hecate, Astarte, Kali, Fey, Pan, Loki, Totems, Spirit Guide, psychic, Angels, white, Sacred, Green, Aura, Elementals, mage, magic, Solstice, Equinox, Palm Reading, Charms, Deity, Invocations, Thermal Detector, Radiological, Ion, Video Cameras, Micro cassette Player, Centaurs, Cerebral Anoxia, Clairoleofactor, Clairvoyance, Cosmology, Cryptomnesia, Abductee, Aigypan, Alchemy, Animism, Automatic Writing, ESP, Daemon, Deja Vu, Dematerialization, Demonology, Discarnate Spirits, Disembodied, Doppelganger, Dowsing, EEG or Electro-encephalography, Empathy, Gaus, Banshee, Basilisk, Body Snatcher, Bunyip, CA, Sacramento, San Francisco, Oakland, Chico, Lake Tahoe, Jackson, California, Research, Myspace, Bands, Music, Electronics, Suvival Gear, Protection, Adult, Amazson, EBAY, MYSPACE, Gothic, Rock, New Age, Alternative, Punk, Amibent, Electronic, England, France, Paris, Australia, Trains, Mine, Radio, AngelOfThyNight, Dark, Cursed, Sin City, Canyon, Desert, Mojave, Adsense, Google, Best Buy, Flashlight, EMF, Energy, Cult, Church, Nightfall Radio, Tagged, Yahoo, Messenger, Prophet, God, Godlike, Dark Matter, Lake Tahoe, Sierra Nevada's, Carson City, Minden, Gardnerville, Markleeville, Woodfords, Indian, Valley, Carson Valley, Indian Hills, Sparks, Reno, Fernley, Dayton, Truckee, Fredericksberg, Ranchos, Genoa, Kingsbury,Fallon, Washoe, Pleasant Valley,Silver Springs, Silver City, Gold Hill, Virginia City, Moundhouse, Empire, Dresslerville, Smith Valley, Yerington, Wellington, Sacramento,Stockton, Sonora, Angels Camp, Placerville, Folsom Lake, Topaz Lake,Forest Hill, Alpine, Douglas County, Philips, Nebelhorn, Wadsworth, Patrick, Meyers, Columbia, Jamestown, Churchhill, Lyon County, El Dorado County, Amador County,Placer County and Storey County