The Koehler Eagle Brewery played a big role in the beer industry in the 19th and 20th century. Built in 1855 the original brewery burnt down whether there was deaths I do not know. Swiftly a new brewery was put up in 1857 which was called the eagle brewery in 1863 which contained over 15000 square feet on ground level alone. This later was bought out by the Jackson Koehler family in 1883 and this is how it got its name. In 1890 a new brew house was designed and it was given a castle like appearance rather a Romanesque revival style which really modernized the brewery. The grain was dropped in through the roofs and works its way down for the brewing process.

In 1978 the brewery was closed down and today it sits vandalized and awaits demolishment. The building has tunnels, spiral stair cases, old brick walls 2 feet thick and even the old wooden doors remain. But the condition is so poor our team was only able to spend a little bit here enough to capture a few photos inside and a few ghost. That was our only regret. But it really is an amazing building and one of the buildings rises over 8 floors. When it did close down the Erie Brewing Company merged with the Koehler Jackson and some of its patents were purchased and used by Schmidt's of Philadelphia.

When I learned about the history of this place that is when we decided to investigate it. The thought of a brewery haunted by ghost started to really raise our hopes. Yes there are ghost here most seem to be male perhaps they worked here when the fire occurred and departed from the tragedy or perhaps it is such a beautiful building that this is where a lot of the entities feel connected to. Our investigator Jim was able to tour this place when it was open at one time. But despite its tragic demise of it falling apart the ghost that walk around this castle like building will always remain only to enjoy some good German brew. 

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