Subj: [ParanormalGhostSociety] This Week's Investigation Report.... 
Date: 11/9/2006 3:29:16 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

Heart's Content
Well here it is a Sunday was out only with a few hours of sleep Nikki calls up at 8:30am and says we are waiting for you at Richard's Family Restaurant for breakfast. So being a zombie I barely got dressed and we made our way out there to meet with Denny and Nikki.
Of course once again I was forced to eat breakfast with Liz so yeah my day was starting off real lovely. Nobody should have to fly out to visit friends and subjected to deal with this considering I had plans to get out to Hearts Content in the morning this cost us a few hours cutting into our bigfoot expedition was not pleased.
I walked on into the restaurant there was at least over a hundred people eating here and all of them could not stop giving me dirty looks. Really what is the difference between a Florida Hick and a PA Mountain Hillbilly? The answer is none both of them judge you so either way your screwed. But just to see people drop there forks made me laugh my ass off guess they never seen a blue haired dude before these people are really behind in the times.
The food was okay here I think the only thing on my mind was more coffee please. The bacon was pretty good I was not to pleased with the rest of the food I figured there had to be a better place then this grrr I love Denny's and Perkins lmao.
We ate I got back to the house Denny showed up a couple hours late and it was just supposed to be him and I covering the hearts content area and Big Bend area. Well now we had a large group and unfortunately not to sound rude but it was a huge set back for me cause I wanted to cover ministry creek and the boiler down below and check out an area the government sealed off back on Valentines Day. Yes there is a government coverup in the area not sure if a UFO crashed here or what but I wanted to expose the area.
We parked at the recreation area the girls went on the Tanbark Trail and I hiked down across the road past a stone monument which talked about an old farmstead which was at one time located here. This is not an area to fool around at lightly people get lost up in these woods but Id hike them at night more then likely you have to if you want to see something strange.
Jim and Denny took me on a trail to get some geocache I seen the plastic bag under the log about 20 feet away and reached over it and pulled it out. Again no challenge for me. We were off the trail and found it eventually. We heard screams off in the woods it was the girls screwing around which again upset me cause I am trying to conduct an investigation here and well it turned out to be nothing. Everybody seems to want to do what they want to do and not taking into consideration that my time is limited and that I do not get to see the area everyday. I did hear a lot of gunshots in the woods of course its hunting season so its expected.
I wanted to go the other way into an open area nobody came with me went by myself like I said when people do not follow your leadership that is when its time to go elsewhere. You cannot conduct investigations if people do not work with you on them.
I actually took the trail it came out to a playground and picnic area. The area was gorgeous there was a firetower off in the distance and I went back out to the road. Actually I took a short cut and when I crossed the road I took this one trail surrounded by some evergreens and that came out near the Tanbark Trail.
At the trailhead I read the history about the logging camp, took some photos of some of the historical things left behind, and ended up waiting over 20 minutes for everybody to show up. I was pretty upset about this cause again nobody can stay with me here I am leading a bigfoot expedition and I am off alone hiking cause everybody wants to do what they want to do.
When they showed Denny took my photo at the entrance and we pulled off further down this entry road which led us to a gate up in the woods. We hiked down this road for almost 2 miles almost to the backside of Chapman Dam.
This area of hearts content was very eerie we were in search of the lost lake. What I noticed about the area is fields had been cleared out like one of them looked like a runway. Maybe its a UFO landing area who knows but these fields were perfect squares and made this way in the middle of the forest.
We did not find the lost lake I did suggest we take the trail to our right but again nobody really listened to me and that is where it was according to Jim who showed me photos of it when we got home. It was a rough hike I had brought my spotlight with me cause underneath the lake is a tunnel but again we did not find it cause everybody wants to do what they want to do.
I pretty much hiked ahead of everybody on my own. The area was becoming cloudy and I could sense something in this area not sure but something was out of place maybe a vortex, maybe bigfoot who knows but I asked Denny a few times if we could come back here at night and I got ignored on it. So hearts content was a big waste of time for me and well basically Ill put it on the page to expose the cover ups going on up here but I didn't get no good evidence of anything here as I wanted.
After the investigation I had plans to go to Big Bend which is this hidden cavern sealed by the US government back in the 60's. To get to the cavern you either have to take a dirt road in the woods park and hike on the trail or you can go straight up a super steep mountain which will take you to the plateau/canyon that this resides in.
Denny told me that the trail is 7 miles little did he know I pre studied it and did some research again I am always shown doubt from others. He wanted to hike up the mountain but I wanted to take the trail simply the 4 mile hike I just went on was not going to allow my legs to climb a mountain. It was getting late and because of the charade we ended up not going so I asked Jim to drop me off first thing in the morning and Id do the hike myself to the peak.
At this point I was very upset cause what I felt like is that this was very one sided and I have had plans to hike up to the bowl at big bend for a few years now. I will not get into its history now but lets just say what happened here was very tragic and would change the course of mankind if people knew what was found up here. So yeah I really wanted to do this place. I just got told to do it on my next trip and unfortunately there is not always a next time I got so many other goals, projects etc just wish others realized that the time given here I had was precious and should have been taken at face value.
We arrived back at Jim's house and Cher cooked some honey chicken it was great I loved it then Denny stopped by to take me to once again the same locations so hence the 6th investigation of the Kinzua area.