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I was enthralled to hit up a crisp sunrise morning up in the northern high sierras. The idea of fresh air, listening to music and enjoying the scenery is something I enjoy. What I even enjoy more is finding monsters in the most isolated places on earth. Being out in nature and catching the serenity was something special especially in the Tahoe National Forest which in my years of research has never been a disappointment!
I love this part of California most of it is hundreds of square miles of mountains, lakes, forested valleys and gorgeous scenery. This is not the first time I had been up this way we have visited the Lake Basin a few times, Gold Lake, Sierra Buttes, Sierra City and some historic mining sites previously. All of said sites are below Mount Haskell. Most folks know its name as the Bigfoot Kill Zone the site supposedly where a Justin Smeja was poaching bears and claimed to have shot two bigfoot like creatures yet provided no evidence and now is cashing in on fame.
I do not take peoples stories very serious I understand these creatures live in the high sierras there are caves, isolated peaks and many remote places they can remain elusive at. I have had my share of sightings and experiences but now and then you get someone who likes to exploit that factor. I spend my entire life being a scientific researcher live by a code and guys like this can tell a story that sounds good around a campfire getting movie and book deals sad real sad! When he turned over what is known as the Bigfoot Steak it came back as to having two types of DNA one being black bear the other being Justin's.
No less Haskell Peak is in a quadrant that we are trying to work with more because of its numerous jewels and lakes. The two largest landmarks in this area are the Sierra Buttes and Haskell Peak both which boasted some mining camps in the 1800's. I was looking forward to climbing Haskell Peak because it has the second best view in the region on a clear day you can see a 1000 miles so who wouldn't want to do the climb!
The story about the Bigfoot kill zone interest me in the fact that maybe I could prove or disprove the case. Everyone wants to believe in these stories but that is all most of them all and as a researcher its my job to prove them if of course they are true. Besides the area is very beautiful so whether I found anything or not it would not matter this is just a nice hike with so much nature. The Tahoe National Forest is also one of the top areas in the world for bigfoot strangeness so if you do not put yourself out there in the thick of things then you tend to miss out on real encounters.
This is a beautiful area with over 50 lakes, the charming semi ghost mining town of Sierra City and honestly out of many of the peaks in the area is this moderate so its very feasible to do the hike. The drive out this way is one of my favorite to do especially when you rive below the Buttes on the old historic gold chain scenic byway and it opens up a little. Haskell Peak however is not as easy to see because its a bald mountain ridge summit that sits miles back to the east of the byway blanketed in dense forest.
A couple weeks prior I had been up here examining some petroglyphs what they translate to its hard to say for sure but one of them was a giant foot and another one looked like some alien craft. This is a very ancient area the Maidu and Washoe were here for thousands of years living off the lakes and gathering on Haskell Peak. Nearby is the lakes basin which features over 50 lakes and bodies of water its a phenomenal place to hike at. I find when their is so much water the one common factor in all of this is that these bigfoot like creatures are often drawn to it.
So I grabbed the packs, morning coffee, played some good music, smoked some bud and begin my drive along the scenic byway where we would turn on a nine mile dirt road. The road would continue to ascend it climbs higher up below Haskell Peak. This is a BIG mountain miles of dirt roads run below it and for a couple thousand feet in elevation till it levels off. Then you begin to pass meadows, dense patches of wood, cliffs and even a burnt section of forest. Eventually we would arrive at our first location!
Mount Haskell
After about eight miles I stopped near the coordinates I had as a matter in fact there are three sets of coordinates out there. The first set is the set that Smeja gave within a mile of the occurrence, the second set had been corrected which point at a meadow below the road and the third set is many miles off posted by speculators. I obviously used the second set which would put is in the general area. When I stopped with my GPS to see how hard it was to get to that meadow I thought there has to be another road below and maybe there was one out that way from afar but navigating back here is very confusing.
But it looked like a road was way off in the distance the only other way down to the meadow would be to go down a steep bank in the woods and get down to it that way. However, you could not directly go to the meadow from where I stood because it dropped off into brush that went on for a few hundred feet higher then my head. I thought about sliding down and pushing through it all but man you can see how far the drop off is once you start sliding it looks like a small cliff. So I figured id revisit that area after our hike maybe do an exploration in the forest above the meadow see if we get anything intriguing.
I went a little ways further down the road its not very far and parked. There is a trail head to the peak its easy to miss and the wood sign is in bad shape. But there is at least places where you can park your vehicle off the dirt road so my guess is this place gets busy certain times a year. There was no vehicles up here went I went or people we had this entire peak and forest to ourselves. Not just early at sunup but also throughout the entire day too!
When we first arrived getting our packs, prepping prior to the hike and just having a look around I did hear what sounded like back n forth communication by something of unknown origins. More like whispers in some other unknown language. But I heard it for about a half of minute and wondered if we were not alone. I mean lets face it the sun just came hope nobody is out and were miles away from the even the byway on some dirt road thousands of feet above the Lake Basin. My morning started off with strange chitter chatter you have to wonder if we stumbled upon a couple of these creatures hiding in the woods.Hell just a half of mile into the trail I heard this growling sound so if you think your alone up here whether that be animal or some monster your probably not!
Most of the trail continues to head up to the peak for over 1000' in elevation gain. I think in some places its a bit steep then again you are climbing a mountain. The forest is gorgeous up here so green, lush and there was just so much wildlife out there. I seen earlier a deer on the road, flowers, a fallen tree with thousands of ants coming out of it and of course butterflies. Life is just thriving up here like a lost world and anything could be hiding up here. You do not see hardly any scenery on the trail maybe a little through the woods but the good stuff is when you reach the summit. Tammy got stung a couple times by bees along the trail it was our third journey in a row where her or I were stung. The bees around this area tend to be really aggressive never could figure out why we go on other hikes never have an issue.
Jarrod and I along the hike found a few very old weathered tracks a couple of them have the potential to be something strange. I mean you could tell they were made by something that had a large and wide foot. Also mud had been pushed outward which is common with bigfoot tracks. I like to take breaks along my hikes then ill put the backpack down go primitive a little scour the woods for tracks and stool. Both of which we found although the stool appeared to derive from a bear, cougar and one pile I have no idea for all I know human. Like I say this peak sees its fair share of hikers a year because it offers accessibility unlike some of the places I go where no men have stepped foot in years.
Eventually when you get a few hundred feet below the summit you will come on to some meadows with a few patches of trees but it starts to open up. Where it does we found a nice huge patch of snow and I dove in it. It was a very hot morning while the woods provided shaded when we came out into the open that sun was roasting us and I had been working up quite a sweat. The one great thing about the high sierras is you can cool off in the snow at higher elevations even in the  middle of summer sometimes.
The crown of the peak is a bit tricky to climb the trail gets rugged lots of loose volcanic rock so its easy to roll your ankle. But the bald summit has no obstructions once you make it to the top. You have mountains for 360 degrees all around you and there are so many geological landmarks far away. The one of course being the Sierra Buttes to the west which may I had has hundreds of miles worth of mine shafts and tunnels in from all the mines that once use to be in operation. Haskell also had a mine its tunnel went over 1200' back into the mountain in length its not on the hike but id love to see it sometime if there is any of these bigfoot like creatures found up here they are going to be found in places where they can remain elusive.
We had a nice picnic at the top of the peak it felt good to catch some breeze up on top to help us cool off my son took a nap things were chill. Their is a rocky tower at the summit which can be seen afar that is how you know your at the right peak because its the only one that has this feature. We sat up here about an hour before we would start to work our way off of the peak. You have no idea how vast it is till you stand up here just mountains of dense forest, massive valleys blanked with woods, lakes far away below and rolling hills everywhere. Most of it all is primitive with no trail to get to it which is my favorite types of adventures but more so they are also very dangerous because if you got lost out there or ran into trouble there is no help or signal. Tammy kept explaining to me that every time the breeze blew she smelt a pungent odor and I started to smell it too did something follow us to the summit? I mean all it would take it the breeze to blow through the trees below the summit and we were getting whiff of that scent.
We begin to descend off the mountain its so much faster going down we flew id say it took us maybe 40 minutes maybe less to get back to the jeep going up however not so much because of the uphill. So going downhill was a breeze. I always love how fast it takes me to get off peaks but it takes a few times longer for me to ascend which is fine because I do most of my filming going up rather then down anyhow because it allows me to break.
Back at the jeep I drove back to the coordinates I had for the Bigfoot Kill Zone trying to decide how I could check out the meadow. There is a cliff below the road which makes it hard to get to directly. But to the left of those cliffs you can climb along a steep hillside traversing the woods down to it. The meadow did not look like a good prospect There are other open areas to along the road so its hard to say exactly where this occurred but I probably was within a mile of where Smeja claimed to have killed a juvenile bigfoot at. There are so many meadows in the high sierras most of them are difficult to get to so if the coordinates were pointing to that one then chances are their probably is another dirt road to it because most folks are not going to climb cliffs, slide down embankments or go out on the limb unless your like me purposely trying to do it.
I decided to enter a dark patch of woos below the road prior to the dropoff and as I had started to go deeper down into the woods I hear something moving around even a loud snap. I ran back to my vehicle grabbed the camera because something was in those woods. My son and I slid working our way down about one hundred feet down the side of the mountain,. The woods were dense, dark an not easy to walk down till we found a flat area. This flat area revealed a track to us about id say 15 inches give or take with a big toe impression. The smaller toes were barely visible to tell you the truth but you could tell something stepped down leaving this impression of a toe in the soft sand and the hell. Where the edge of the outside of the food would be some dirt had been pushed outward so it was something larger.
We followed the direction to where the track pointed and found a bunch of foliage between the trees. The foliage had been mowed down or flattened like something walked right through it. The stems or trunks of the foliage were green, fresh and very flexible yet we found them snapped like twigs. Something walked through the foliage and stepped right down on the limbs breaking them very close to where we found the track. Its obvious no humans had been down here in years in this patch of woods hell maybe never to be honest. I did not see any signs anyone would ever take this way where we were at no show impressions, boot prints or slide marks. I know I slid and stumbled around not an easy area to get to and just imagine there is millions of places like this in the sierras off dirt roads and trails like this.
My gamble paid off it was about all the evidence I needed at the time to say that there could be something up on Haskell Peak cant say it stays put for to long hell it might just be passing through here afterall lots of canyons, creeks, primitive peaks etc so maybe we just got lucky or maybe our hard work paid off. It does not mean that my finds are related to Smeja's in anyway because Bigfoot has been up in this region for centuries the tribes talk about it. But see tribes always felt like they were tribal they did not see them as monster but rather a more hidden tribe in tune with silence and nature or being one with it. Haskell peak is massive there are so many sides to it, canyons, meadows etc none of them on any trail or road. So I bet anywhere you explore primitive you will find some good stuff.
Jarrod and I were pretty stoked just to be here uncovering some of the mountains secrets. Edward Haskell use to say the entire mountain is made of gold within its core and it did have a profitable mine. But the real gold may be that these creatures live on this mountain and remain elusive. But they do leave signs behind to even if they are small shreds of evidence.The ride off of Haskell Peak is really scenic to do at sunset just beyond the Buttes to the west so I cant complain what an awesome adventure!
 I do not approve of hunting these creatures down let alone poor defenseless animals. Whether Smeja did or did not shoot bigfoot like creatures his intent to cause harm is evident when he admitted to poaching black bear up here. He has been arrested for poaching in 2017 and his mentality towards this creature is that it should be killed when as a cryptozoologist their are less hostile means to gather evidence without having to send it to extinction so do not listen to that clown. Nothing adds up about his story and I will talk more about it in detail on our website when we add this case.
All in all any time spent up in these parts of the northern sierra range is a damn fine day and this really was a great research project. I have thought about camping primitive up here or going back again. There are some areas that I can gather bigfoot evidence all day long and this is one of those places. It sits above dozens of lakes, very remote and it has some strange tales about bigfoot including one that threw a rock at a vehicle up in this area. If they throw rocks at vehicles its probably because they are sick of gun toting hillbillies who think that killing something is how you do research!
After a full eventful day we celebrated and went to go see the new Ghostbusters movie that came out. I thought it was funny but nothing beats the original movie. But I wanted to take my son because he worked really hard on this trip to find evidence with me and plus my father took me to see ghostbusters when I was only around six years old maybe seven. It was one of the only movies I went to see as a kid growing up. Hell one of my only memories with me and my father or good ones because he walked out of my life at such a young age. But to be able to share all of this with my son climbing the regions second highest peak, looking for bigfoot and seeing ghostbusters was an awesome time!
I do think Smeja breeds bad bigfoot researchers because he is teaching folks its okay to shoot these creatures. His story is fishing and it does not add up once you delve deeper into it. Its ashamed people like us cant get a bigfoot show yet this guy gets his own show off a story and awarded for poaching. We will never do that to our viewers or mislead the public just for fame or money. Plus now you have hundreds others just like him thinking that if you visit here the peak area that these creatures are for the taking but I can assure you they are smarter then that. If they hear a vehicle coming down one of the peaks many rugged roads you don't think they are going to hide in a bush or tree watching?
Most of the evidence your going to find is off the trail or way off the road in areas that are very hard to get to sometimes miles on in and most people do not have the commitment to do that unless your willing to risk your life and my research I feel is worth that much or I would not be doing this! I am here to educate people on how to respect these creatures sure gather evidence but leave them alone if you come across them do not shoot at them because if they perceive humans as a threat they could start attacking hikers even making them disappear out of fear! We do not want to drive them deeper into the wilderness not if we want answers!
Lord Rick
PGS Founder

 I will not say if this is where the Bigfoot kill zone is for sure but I was given these coordinates which could signify the general area or within 1 mile of it. According to Justin Smeja he claimed that he had shot the first bipedal creature from his truck from the road which is illegal because its called road hunting. According to him he stated he was poaching black bear! So when he came around a bend something caught his eye!

While there are a few dirt roads surrounding Haskell Peak their are many meadows that you can find below it surrounding be dense forest. I have more questions then I do answers such as if this was the actual meadow or how did he get down to it. It is possible their is a road below in the woods on the other side of the meadow but I could not find one that goes down to it. I have seen videos of him at the kill zone site and the area he gets interviewed at is really not much different then some of the locations we filmed at if you watch our documentary.

The terrain here is very steep, brush is very dense and it drops off straight down to get to the meadow below from the road so virtually its next to impossible to just walk down to it with ease. While not far from this coordinates is some smaller meadows near the road with rocks where Smeja stated he killed a juvenile Sasquatch like creature standing on some. A year after I visited these coordinates a second set appeared on a website adjacent to this one but miles apart still in the Haskell Peak area. But its safe to say based on how vast this area is in my opinion any meadow or dense patch of woods could reveal bigfoot evidence being that this National Forest which surrounds the peak is considered a bigfoot hot zone.

We did spend sometime off to the left in the woods where you can go down the side of this hill in the photo above. However, its very steep and you can access the meadow by taking this route. There is no trail to it or anything its primitive and no signs any human slid down the mountain to get to it. If a bigfoot family was killed in this meadow which I doubt then Justin Smeja would have had a very difficult time trying to even get to them but based on videos I have seen its very close to a dirt road. It takes an experienced mountain man like me to navigate this type of terrain I am doubtful Smeja had that sort of experience again based on the videos I have seen.

More then likely my theory is he killed a mother bear and her cubs then tried to maybe play it off that he took down an adult bigfoot and its juvenile. I think he was concerned maybe even somewhat guilty about the incident but also about getting arrested which he has been for poaching in 2017. When I was in the woods to the left of the meadow we found an area on the hill that leveled off and this is where we found some evidence which you can see much further down below.

A large track we found on the way up to the peak it could have been made by anything but if you look at the dirt pushed upward towards the front of the track you can kind of see a toe pattern. The problem is the track is old and decomposed it probably was made a few months prior to us discovering it therefore anything could have made it such as a boot, bear or even Bigfoot. However since the dirt is pushed up with some toe patterns due to its size I can speculate this could have been made by Sasquatch!
I believe we have mountain lion and bear skat although the photo in the middle could be from a bigfoot like creature or for all I know a human. I like to pay attention to my surroundings when I explore a bigfoot hotspot. Its not all about finding just tracks I look for broken branches, stool samples and other evidence as well. What this tells me is there are other wild animals in the forest of Haskell Peak or below its summit. Which means if predators can sustain themselves so could a creature like Bigfoot in the area. Point is I document as much as I can on an expedition that way someone cant say to me there is no way a creature like this could sustain itself well think again. Mountain lions and black bear do sustain themselves in the Haskell Peak area.
The tracks above are very old but two things stand out about them A. The sheer size is somewhere in between 14 to 15 inches & B. Whatever made them had weight to it because the dirt was puts outwards when whatever made this touched down. My guess is whatever made these tracks had quite a large foot in gerth and its obvious in length too. Mud or softer earth is not usually found here and the terrain is very rugged. As far as the photo of the track below its very weathered you would have to be physically standing next to it if you wanted to see the compressed earth. The topsoil has been displaced perhaps pushed in different directions from a foot touching down maybe even a muddy foot that displaced most of the topsoils pine needles when it had touched down.

We found this track in a dense patch of woods just above the meadow with the coordinates we were given in the general area of the Bigfoot Kill Zone. I know it does not look like much but the earth here has a soft patch of dirt so we found a big toe impression, somewhat of a heel and some of the dirt had been pushed outward which signifies that whatever this was had some substantial weight to it.  We were have to see another toe but it was faint an I am doubtful a barefoot human made this. I think this is real and whatever it was we heard it while slowly climbing down the steep embankment of the woods. It was strange because we heard something moving around then a huge branch snapped. It was something fairly large and I do not think we were alone. I think we startled it and it ran off to be honest or was watching us which is always an eerie experience when I document tracks like this. After measuring the track we tried to see if we could follow them and strangely this was the only one. But about 30' away was some foliage which we found freshly broken so we knew this is what we just heard! The track was found on the hill side about half way down to the meadow but in an area where that hill leveled off a little and this is what we found so very interesting to say the least!
 I know its a bit difficult to see but this foliage is green, fresh and its been mowed over fairly close to where we found the track. If you pointed in the tracks direction it was dead on with this foliage so something went right through it during what I call a quick escape. A few of the stems near the ground are snapped in half and pushed into the earth because something directly stepped on it as it went right through to get to wherever it was traversing too. Again I have to look at the evidence we have a track with a big toe and not far away downed brush. I cant say that this for sure is bigfoot but I can say that something had weight to it, left the track and whatever left it walked right through the brush stepping on this lush plant life or rather tree. I think whatever it was just did it since we heard it and then pursued it to investigate it further! We are not afraid to check things out based on what we hear, see or experience! More then often many groups hear something and then they do not want to follow up on it. I understand you risk having a run in with wild animals but is it not worth the risk to have an actual bigfoot sighting? Its our jobs to do the research then share our finds!
An old Farm House exist about half hour not even away from Haskell Peak. Many of the earliest pioneers laid eyes on this peak. The ranches would operate below the mountain growing crops and raising livestock. In turn this would help support the miners who mined up at the Sierra Buttes, Haskell Peak and towns like Sierra City California.

We topped of our journey at Haskell Peak with the new Ghostbusters movie! While most of our bigfoot research is serious its also risky you have no idea if you will encounter a wild animal, crazy person, fall off a cliff, get injured or even stranded. For everyone one of our extreme adventures there is a time out after to enjoy some good times to go with them! My father as a young boy took me to see the original Ghostbusters now I woul have a chance to take my son to see a Ghostbusters a great way to the finish!

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Petersburg, Lakeland, Gainesville, West Palm Beach, bike week, spring break, Deland, Deltona, Orange City, weird, strange, bizarre, mysterious, rituals, skunk ape, adventure, ships, Bermuda triangle, ghost pirates, ball lightening, Elves, Fairies, Faeries, Dwarves, Mystical, Mystify, Port Orange, Edgewater, Clear Water, FSU, Abandoned, Buildings, Stories, New Age, Occult, Paganism, Tours, Ghost walks, Cydonian, Pyramids, Ancient, Dead, Soul, Spiritual, Metaphysical, Aura, Tarot, Naples, Key West, Ever Glades, Kissimmee, Sanford, Orange City, Volusia County, WNY, Asylum, Entity, Entities, Comet, Space, Ponce Inlet, Dimensions, Mist, Fog, Horror, Radio, Television, Spontaneous Human Combustion, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Magic, pubs, castles, churches, bars, tracks, exorcism, October, Books, Posters, Lake Helen, Fort Lauderdale, Psychic, Gargoyles, Crystal Skulls, Champ, Mutation, Miracles, Virgin Mary, Prehistoric, Historical, Being, Men In Black, Visitors, Mailing List, Mounds, Astronauts, Beam, Reptilian, Dolce, Specters, Bell Witch, Warlock, Shadowman, Palm Beach, Tallahassee, Holly Hill, Miami, Winter Park, Global Warming, Contrails, Chemtrails, Flagler, Homestead, Emerald Coast, Fort Myers, Fort Walton Beach, Naples, Punta Gorda, Birmingham, Decatur, Dothan, Montgomery, Tuscaloosa, Columbus, Charleston, Myrtle Beach, Sumter, Athens, Raleigh Durham, Alexandria, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, Shreveport, Bossier City, Greenville, Onslow, Piedmont Triad, Hampton Roads, Huntington - Ashland Area, Huntsville Area, Idaho Falls - Pocatello Area, Indianapolis, Iowa City, Jackson, MI, Jackson, MS, Jackson, TN, Jacksonville, Jefferson County, Johnstown - Altoona, Johnstown, Jonesboro, Joplin, Joplin - Pittsburg, Juneau, Kansas City, Knoxville, La Crosse, Lafayette Area, Lafayette, IN, Lafayette, LA, Lake Charles, Lansing - East Lansing, Lansing Metro, Laredo, Las Cruces, Las Vegas, Lawton, Lehigh Valley, Lewiston - Auburn, Lexington, Lima, Lincoln, Little Rock, Little Rock - Pine Bluff Area, Long Island, Longview, Los Angeles, Louisville, Lubbock, Lynchburg Area, Madison, Madison Metro, Mankato Area, Marquette, Memphis, Merced, Meridian, Michiana, Milwaukee, Missoula, Mobile, Mobile Pensacola Area, Monroe, Monterey Bay Area, Montgomery, Myrtle Beach Area, Naples, Nashville, National, New Orleans, New York, North Central Ohio, Northeastern Pennsylvania, Northeastern South Carolina, Northern Alabama, North Jersey, North Platte Area, Northwest Alabama, Northwest Arkansas Area, Northwest Arkansas, Oklahoma City, Omaha, Onslow County, Opelika Auburn, Orange County, Orlando, Ottumwa - Kirksville, Owensboro, Palm Springs Area, Pensacola, Peoria - Pekin, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Piedmont Triad, Pine Bluff, Pittsburgh, Portland, OR, Portland, Portsmouth Rochester, Presque Isle Area, Providence, Pueblo, Punta Gorda, Quad Cities, Quincy - Hannibal - Keokuk, Raleigh Durham, Rapid City, Redding - Chico, Redding, Red River Valley, Reno, Richland - Kennewick Area, Richmond, Rio Grande Valley Area, Roanoke, Rochester, MN, Rochester, NY, Rock County, Rockford, Sacramento, Saginaw - Bay City - Midland, Salt Lake City, San Angelo, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Barbara, Savannah Area, Scranton Wilkes Barre, Seattle, Sharon, Shenandoah Valley, Sherman - Denison, Shreveport - Bossier City, Shreveport, LA Area, Sioux City, Sioux Falls, South Bend, Southeastern North Carolina, Southern Colorado, Southern Maine, Southern Oregon, Southern Washington Area, Southern West Virginia, South Florida, Southwestern Indiana, Southwest Florida, Southwest Georgia, Spokane, Springfield Area, Springfield - Decatur - Danville, Springfield, MO, Springfield, State College, Steubenville - Weirton, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Sumter, Syracuse, Tallahassee Area, Tampa Bay, Terre Haute, Texarkana, Toledo - Findlay Metro, Toledo, Topeka Area, Tri - Cities, Tri - State Area: KY - IL - MO, Tucson - Sierra Vista, Tulare County, Tulsa, Tuscaloosa, Twin Cities, Twin Falls Area, Tyler Area, Tyler, Utica - Rome, Victoria, Waco, Washington, DC, Waterloo Cedar Falls, Watertown Area, Wausau - Rhinelander Area, West Central Ohio, West Central Wisconsin, Western Carolina - NW Georgia, Western North Carolina, West Palm Beach, West Texas, Wheeling - Steubenville Metro, Wheeling, Wichita Falls & Lawton, Wichita Falls, Wichita & Western Kansas, Williamsport, Yakima, Youngstown - Warren, Yuma, Zanesville, Altamonte Springs, Crescent City, Eustis, Hollywood, Leesburg, Jupiter, Neptune Beach, New Port Richey, Lake Wales, Lake Mary, Titusville, St Cloud, Santa Rosa, Palmetto, Vero Beach, St. Petersburg, Baton Rouge, Meridian, Jackson, Hattiesburg, Biloxi, Pascagoula, Gulfport, Seminole, Bordin Booger, Panama City, Goblyn, Ghouls, Loch Ness, Nessie, Bessie, Selkies, Mermaids, Sirens, Kraken, Dragons, Plesiosaur, Loveland Frog, Sprites, Seljord serpent, Exmoor Beast, Big Cats, Lake Normon, Lake Bala, Cressie, Alkali, Illiamna Lake Monster, Cressie, Nyami Nyami, Masbate, Ponik, Chessie, Selma, Tacoma Sea Serpent, Storsie, Cadborsaurus, Lake Utopia, Gloucester, Lake Tianchi Monster, Tessie, Mokele-Mbembe, Mongolian Death Worm, Impakta,Orang-Pendek,Owlman, Easter Island, Olifiau Monster of Flatwoods, Big Bird, Tatzelwurm, GOATMAN OF MARYLAND , BEAST OF BODMIN MOOR, Kaptar, Biabin-guli, Grendel, Ferla Mohir, Brenin Ilwyd, Ngoloko, Kikomba, Gin-sung, Yeti, Mirygdy ,Mecheny, Chinese Wildman, Nguoi Rung, SPRING HEELED JACK, Pressie, Hardin, White River, Parapsychology, Elves, Bennington Triangle, Marfa Lights, OBE, Astral, Enigma, Urban Exploration, Tunnels, Caves, Gaia, earth, healing, new age, runes, goddess, covens, Asatru, Asatruar, Druid, Druidism, Druidry, Druids, Odian, Odianism, Odians, Odin, Odinism, Odinist, Odinists, Santeria, Santerian, Santerians, Setian, Setianism, Setians, Strega, Stregheria, Wicca, Wiccans, Witch, Witchcraft, Witches, Pagan, Paganism, Neo-Pagan, Neo-Paganism,Neo-Pagans, poetry, cats, faerie, fairy, faeries, elements, occult, metaphysics, reiki, alchemy, shaman, Shaman, Shamanism, Celtic, Native American, Norse, tarot, divination, circle, fellowship, Samhain, Yule, Imbolic, Ostara, Beltane, Midsummer, Lughnassah, Mabon, crystals, nature, moon, mythology, sabbat, chants, dragons, tantra, singles, dating, willow, fire, Isis, gothic, renaissance, numerology, astrology, Rite, Rites, altar, Mysticism, brews, Deity, Talisman, Voodoo, charms, Bos, Diana, Hecate, Astarte, Kali, Fey, Pan, Loki, Totems, Spirit Guide, psychic, Angels, white, Sacred, Green, Aura, Elementals, mage, magic, Solstice, Equinox, Palm Reading, Charms, Deity, Invocations, Thermal Detector, Radiological, Ion, Video Cameras, Micro cassette Player, Centaurs, Cerebral Anoxia, Clairoleofactor, Clairvoyance, Cosmology, Cryptomnesia, Abductee, Aigypan, Alchemy, Animism, Automatic Writing, ESP, Daemon, Deja Vu, Dematerialization, Demonology, Discarnate Spirits, Disembodied, Doppelganger, Dowsing, EEG or Electro-encephalography, Empathy, Gaus, Banshee, Basilisk, Body Snatcher, Bunyip, CA, Sacramento, San Francisco, Oakland, Chico, Lake Tahoe, Jackson, California, Research, Myspace, Bands, Music, Electronics, Suvival Gear, Protection, Adult, Amazson, EBAY, MYSPACE, Gothic, Rock, New Age, Alternative, Punk, Amibent, Electronic, England, France, Paris, Australia, Trains, Mine, Radio, AngelOfThyNight, Dark, Cursed, Sin City, Canyon, Desert, Mojave, Adsense, Google, Best Buy, Flashlight, EMF, Energy, Cult, Church, Nightfall Radio, Tagged, Yahoo, Messenger, Prophet, God, Godlike, Dark Matter, Lake Tahoe, Sierra Nevada's, Carson City, Minden, Gardnerville, Markleeville, Woodfords, Indian, Valley, Carson Valley, Indian Hills, Sparks, Reno, Fernley, Dayton, Truckee, Fredericksberg, Ranchos, Genoa, Kingsbury,Fallon, Washoe, Pleasant Valley,Silver Springs, Silver City, Gold Hill, Virginia City, Moundhouse, Empire, Dresslerville, Smith Valley, Yerington, Wellington, Sacramento,Stockton, Sonora, Angels Camp, Placerville, Folsom Lake, Topaz Lake,Forest Hill, Alpine, Douglas County, Philips, Nebelhorn, Wadsworth, Patrick, Meyers, Columbia, Jamestown, Churchhill, Lyon County, El Dorado County, Amador County,Placer County and Storey County