St. Johns Cemetery sits across from Girard Cemetery and is not very large. The cemetery was erected for Catholics in the Girard Township and of course there are crosses, a few saints but it is not as strange as Girard Cemetery. This cemetery is very well kept and sort of I noticed very strict compared to other cemeteries that we have investigated as far as the rules go.

There is many Sisters and Fathers buried here perhaps all of the ones who have spent there days as one in Girard for the local church. There is nothing weird here since we investigated it close to Christmas all the stones almost had Wreaths on them and even a few decorated the shrubs with Christmas ornaments for there loved ones.

Is it haunted? A yes the ghost are very quiet here and it takes a lot of experience to get them to show up on film. They move rather quick and they take awhile to feel comfortable here. But like most catholic cemeteries this one has a few ghost that roam between its stones.

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