Subj: [ParanormalGhostSociety] Tonight's Investigation Report......  
Date: 10/26/2003 2:47:34 AM Eastern Standard Time 
To: ,  

Genesee Duplex

This place was quite creepy as we approached the swinging gate I felt fairly watched from the front porch window. We entered the first duplex it was small. It had some cages inside and outside of the door. I did not feel anything in here their was a kitchen, bedroom, living room and bathroom. But I knew that the first duplex was very small and this is not where I felt watched from so after a few photos we headed over to the other duplex or main housing area. 

I walked in and snapped a photo of an apparition trying to avoid having there photo taken so after walking in and looking at some old hospital bed and some other odd things in the kitchen I had followed the ghost into the bathroom and caught him. Then went into the bedroom behind the bathroom caught some nice ectoplasm. Then I went to the second bedroom it had a lot of furniture stacked but this room had no activity no coldness or anything. The whole house was odd though I mean their was cages all around, a stove and fridge, kitchen supplies Ect. I walked into the living room are and managed to catch some blue ectoplasm inside the fireplace across the room and surrounding it. After awhile I started to gather what is in this house really is scared or rather wanted to be left alone as I felt sad for it almost like it was an animal spirit rather then a human one. 

We exited the duplex after our exploration of every area and took a few perimeter shots. The old truck sitting in the driveway gives it a pretty eerie feeling like the unseen still lives in this duplex. But we decided to head on out to our next destination which was Ledge Lawn Cemetery.


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