Subject: [SupernaturalFlorida] Saturday's Investigation Report...
Date: 4/17/2006 4:30:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Detwiler Cemetery

This place was not really what I expected being that it was surrounded and wide open by many homes. I almost wondered if I had the right place when I went by it slowly checking it out.

We got our gear and got out of the car walking right into the cemetery. There was no signs or even gates. A grave sat a foot away from a public sidewalk and the one thing that stood out with this cemetery is that a playground and park was built in it.

The swings were only a few feet away from a head stone and some little girls were out there at night playing. I wondered how odd that children everyday play near the gravestone and pay no mind to the fact that many people are buried below there little running feet.

That is the type of place it is real serene but the graves were all in deplorable condition perhaps cause they been damaged over the years by park visitors.

In the cemetery was a grave with a copper plaque some sort of memorial while we found another to be toppled. Then there was a few leaning and it was just a mess.

The park was peaceful but gloomy. I felt like It was not haunted just displaced rather. We took a few readings nothing major and a few photos. There was a lot of people sitting out on there porches hanging out watching etc so the chances of us capturing EVP, Ghostly Photos etc really was slim but we toured it and then moved on to Flagler Ave & New Smyrna Beach.


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