Subj: [ParanormalGhostSociety] Tonight's Report Of Clarence Fillmore Cemetery....  
Date: 9/28/2003 2:24:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time 
To: , 

Well tonight we completed another ghost walk which always turns out nice for people who enjoy taking tours and learning a little something. I was quite flattered that some folks drove all the way out from Michigan to meet with me and take a tour. Anyhow after the tour we decided to investigate the Clarence Fillmore Cemetery I just knew we would get some nice photos here and so our adventure begins here:

Clarence Fillmore Cemetery

This cemetery tonight proved to be peaceful and quiet and I was in a bad bad mood tonight as sometimes ghost walks don't turn out like you want them to as you always get one or two who complain about this and that so I entered the cemetery telling the ghost i had a bad night so take it easy on me lol. One of the first shots I got was some really nice ectoplasm which goes behind a stone and comes around on each side and their is a nice big face inside of it. I worked my way around the cemetery towards the back and more darker areas. You could feel something was here no doubt about that. As some areas were very ice cold then other areas were warm. Tonight was a pretty nice night out also no breeze or anything yet I felt a little bit on and off here which outside the cemetery did not exist. We walked around Mark and I separated. He went east I went north east we met at one of the roads. At one point I heard a noise sort of like a shoe hitting the ground like someone stepped down hard onto the road which runs through the area. It did not sound like us walking so I thought it was odd. We eventually made our way to the very end of the cemetery towards the end Mark caught a globe of light on the move on camera its a pretty nice photo as it shows that its in motion. We eventually worked our way back to a crypt, then the entrance, then a family plot and of course headed home to have something odd occur.

I got almost to my home and was turning to go down my street when I heard something on the roof of my van. Something was rolling around and bounced on the roof. I pulled over to have jay check it out. He pulled off the roof a wooden dowel it was a flag pole but no flag on it. The dirt on the rod was fresh and it looked like i said like one of the little wooden rods you stick near a headstone with a tiny  flag. This was quite startling and I know this was done as a validation so is it possible a spirit followed us home? Did it just want to let us know it was their? Odd things happen for odd reasons and we must look at this is one of them.



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