Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 14:48:35 EST
Subject: Las Vegas Investigation Report.....
To: ParanormalBuffalo@yahoogroups. 

Finding this place at night was not easy. The ghost town of Carrara does lay on the edge of Area 51. Yes you heard it right folks its on air force property and is in a very secluded area.
We did not have much to go on and all that remained from this ghost town was the foundation of a cement factory which we wanted to explore.
Before finding this road to it I took quite a few other roads off in the desert which had giant rocks and the roads were pretty intense. Christi was with me and she asked if I was crazy cause she was like do you know this is part of the Nellis Bombing Range. The air force owns the land surrounding the ghost town in Nye County and Lincoln in Nevada. Much of that land is vacant and very few people ever set foot on it.
After driving down the pitch black dirt roads for awhile I finally found a road leading to this ghost town site. It was so dark out here we could not even see our hands in front of our face.
I did not feel a lot of activity but something was out there moving around I heard it and so did Christi. Of course there are many wild animals but this appeared to be watching and following us. We did not stay here long but I did make sure I explored every bit of the area before we left.
The cemetery factory foundation was in ruins we found an elevator shaft, a basement, various rooms, and walls. There was a rusted tank near by and some debris scattered. There was not to much here but it was an odd area and Christi is not into the whole alien experience so she wanted to go cause she said to me this is the type of area people probably get abducted at.
I took a few photos there was one area that was very cold around the factory and then we took off to Desert Hill Cemetery.


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