I do not have alot of history on the DeLand Boulevard drive in but from what I know it very much had the old fashioned type of feel such as like the old 1950s drive-ins. At one time this drive-in held 300 cars and was DeLand's kiss and make out area. The drive-in was owned by Floyd theatres and was closed down roughly 10 years ago and bought  out by woodland terrace an office complex which sits near the drive in.

All that remains today is 2 piles of wood perhaps one was the rest rooms the other was the snack shack. Other then that there is no big screen just a dumpster and many signs warning you to stay off the property. The only way to get to the drive-in is to take a very dark wooded road far back its single lane and very uncomfortable to walk down. Upon entering the drive-in all you can see is cracked concrete, trees sprouting from the pavement, overgrown grass and foliage. It perhaps looks more like a jungle then a drive-in. Where cars once drove now look like wooded roads. The base of the old marquee stands today but other then that all that remains is a lonely desolate field.

But you are probably curious as to why I chose to investigate such a  place. This drive-in has a dark history of events as it served as a dumping ground for bodies since it sat far back and was only open on the weekend. On many occasions police would patrol and find a car parked back here but yet never found the person. I do remember hearing a story of a kid once locked in the trunk of his car he survived but was locked in there for a week suffering a coma and brain damage. Bad things happen back here and perhaps there is some connection to it all.

There is a sad feeling back here its like you can feel the rapes, murders, negativity no matter where you go. The road leading back here is enough to make most turn back. The fact is though like any cemetery, house or building this Drive-In has energy and ghost of its own. We often think of drive-ins as places to take your lover to make out in the car but often we forget the fact of what could happen back here when the drive-inn was closed. So much mystery remains at the abandoned Boulevard Drive-In. Will we return again most likely for a second phase in our hopes to solve some of these mysteries.

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