Subj: [ParanormalGhostSociety] Last Night's Investigation Report  
Date: 3/6/2005 2:54:29 PM Eastern Standard Time 

Last night we had quite an investigation as we made our way on over to the Seminole Forest area to do some fairly chilling investigations. We also have a new investigator who did a very good job on last night's journey he dealt with a creature once up in New Jersey which he shared tales of it throughout the night.

It was one of those nights that everything seemed to go wrong despite the fact we got good paranormal activity it just was a weird night over all such as the car not starting at first, then not being able to find a few locations despite the frantic searches, all the way to gas station clerks from another world lol so yeah it was quite a night and so our adventure begins here.

Baystreet Theatre

This place is like a needle in a haystack. It is not even a theatre anymore but I remembered its photos and how that building had a similarity.  We walked down the historical section of Eustis it was still early and the area was like a ghost town. Not really many people out around here.

We took some photos of the front and did alot of debating whether this was the theatre or not. Since it was a old brick building, double doors in the front, huge window panes, awnings and arches we assumed that the building had movie theatre qualities.

We looked up above to the second floor and some of the windows had been open. There was just a real eerie feeling. I took the team along the side and we slowly walked along a bunch of broken and open windows. There was sort of a sense of being watched from the second floor. I mean you could tell it was vacant as we tried peering into the windows from afar.

We made our way to the back and took some steps up eventually entering one of the doors. This led us to a giant room I personally did not like it here. The reason perhaps is there was one way in and one way out so if anybody were to come we would be totally trapped. In this room was alot of antiques and just junk piled up. This room was also very warm other then that fairly quiet.

Then we entered another door which had a long dark hallway we could not see an end to. There was a few halls to the right that twist and turned. There was signs that the upstairs part of the theatre was an apartment complex at one time as one the first halls we took led to a bathroom with a claw tub ripped off the pipes.

This place was just downright creepy and going down various halls had to be taken with caution. Every hall we entered had a series of twice and turns. By the time we got back down the main hall and went halfway down all of us heard this grunt of a man. It was pretty loud and close. I probably should have done some filming here but I got caught up in the moment. It was obvious however we were not alone. 

We went down the hallway all the way to the end where it split off to the right or left. That area was very well lit from the street. We did not even need a flashlight. Eventually it took us to the stairwell that led down to the front of the Theatre. There were signs of restoration in the works in this one back room as we seen a saw and new wood beams installed.

Eventually we made our way out and there was a cold spot in the hallway. From our investigation I believe there is the ghost of a man here probably been here a long time. He probably is very use to the construction workers but perhaps was very uncooperative for us because he did not know who we were even.

But we were just glad to get outside and so once we did we took some photos of the outside again then headed on off too Eustis Greenwood Cemetery.

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