In 1924 a businessman named E.D. Barnhill had a vision to have a hotel built for people who came from the cold north as a escape from  the harsh winters. The hotel was designed by an Architect who drew up plans for the University Terrace named Medwin Peek. Andrew Bradshaw a contractor in Deland who also built the Athens Theater was called in to supervise and construct the Artisan. After it was finished and opened in the 1927 the Artisan contained  more then 40 room each with a sink and closet. The building even had a fire sprinkler and 2 of the rooms shared a bathroom and toilet which was quite rare at this time.

Now lets talk a little bit about the owners of the hotel which was Jeanette and Edwin Barnhill which arrived in Deland in 1913 from the city of Grand Rapids Michigan. They operated the McLeod Hotel which today is known as Hotel Putnam. Later they took over the management of the Atlantic Hotel which is in Daytona Beach. The Howarth family did take over the Artisan after it was built since financing was assisted to the Barnhill's in the construction of the Artisan. But E.D. Barnhill was well known not just for his ideas about building the Artisan but also connected a bus route from Daytona to Deland. So during that time the construction of open-air tour buses connecting 2 Model T Fords were built and this became a busline with years later leading to the Votran bus line which I ride today. Jeanette passed on in 1928 a year after the Artisans grand opening and Edwin in 1929 was declared insane which at that time the Howarth family took over the ownership.

The hotel thrived for awhile and not much had changed however in the 1970s it was renamed to The Landmark. However at this time the Inn was starting to became a place with little business, guest and the ones that did stay often were trouble. Such as a local newspaper report about a man who would not pay his bill and was forced out by the owner and local police. The evicted man slashed the tire on the cop car and was arrested. So things around here started to decline and it was starting to look poor since it was not fully open. Then in 1985 a group of Barnhill family members purchased  "The Landmark Hotel" along with a Shell Gas station which at the time was next door. They then had the station torn down and the hotel was gutted all the way from the plumbing to internal fixtures. The artisan eventually was closed for 12 years afterwards and was left abandoned. At one point it sat with broken windows, a place for pigeons, rats, rodents to roam. It really stood out since it stood in Downtown Deland. Water leaked from the roof and many windows were broken from Vandals and due to the building being not taken care of.

In 1996 two brothers John and Brett Soety from a small farming community near Erie Pennsylvania wanted to start a restaurant business in the Deland Area. They needed to find a site to do this and found the abandoned Landmark Hotel a place where they could do this. They became the new owners of the Barnhill Corporation and also the only asset which was the hotel after months of negotiating. Then restoration could occur which would take a long time. The hotel was very compact and the brothers wanted to make it more spacey so many of the rooms here had to be knocked out, enlarged etc. This process took awhile since it was found that none of the building had steel in it so each room had to be jacked up and steel beams had to be added, walls knocked out, shored, demolish and then lowered back down. The building was so damaged that it took awhile before it even was up to code. A ground patio, roof stop terrace and elevator were also added in the process. Which today you can see many of the guest sitting outdoors enjoying a nice lunch or dinner. Alot of the dishes offered here are Caribbean, Cuban, Classical and even International.

In 1999 the hotel was Re-Christened as the Artisan in and was named to honor the many past and present family members who were fine craftsmen. The Artisan is a restaurant, has a separate lounge with live music sometimes, 2400 sq footage of banquet space, private dining room and 8 large suites with full amenities. But the goal is for others passing threw to eat, sleep, be merry not just for Deland folks but anybody visiting here.

 Also points of interest is the Spanish Architecture which is noticeable from the outside. Then the pine floors, bathroom stalls, bar top, lounge, hostess stand, and banquet hall  are the originals from 75 years ago. Then the MOM arches that stand above the entrance that is another beautiful part of this building. The art work from the original Artist is displayed here such as the windows have various paintings on them. The original brick from the chimneys was used to build the stage in the lounge. So many things were salvageable here.

How I became interested in the Artisan was very simple. As I been working with the Paranormal for awhile I had noticed later on at night feelings of being watched from the dining area inside and some of the rooms. I thought to myself if Deland is haunted why wouldn't the Artisan be. But perhaps it was the fact that this old Spanish looking building sits in the heart of Deland. I had no idea about the history of the Inn or the fact that it has been investigated by other groups. They also do a ghost tour here which you can spend the night and enjoy the Hauntings that occur here. However maybe someday I will spend the night here and bring everybody some photos inside. But all I simply did was brought the entities from the inside here to come outside and join me in my little ghost walk around the place. But its such an intimate place I sometimes will walk up there and smile at some of the pretty ladies working outside witnessing or dining there. One night I heard a band play up there White Wedding by Billy Idol so it really is a nice place you have your food, ghost, music and women haha. But some nights Ill go by there and walk to the upper terrace and just sit up there for awhile and other nights I will just stand in front and just peer into the windows when they are closed. But upon investigating it and not knowing anything about the Artisan for taking a few photos you will see something supernatural is here. Which I will do a few investigations over time as the ghost and I get closer for your enjoyment and to learn a little more about the Hauntings here.

Now lets talk a little bit about the ghost or activity that is seen here. Some employees and guest see shadowy figures some of them stand in halls and doorways. Also footsteps and whistling are said to be heard here. Guest who stay the night often have experiences of there own. Also class 5 activity happens here like dishes flying off the wall.  They say many ghost haunt the inn and supposedly a little girl from what I hear that often tugs on peoples sleeves I believe I captured her while here so i was really happen and hope to be spending sometime with this entity. But also another ghost is seen here of a man from the 1920s he is often seen in the basement. Some workers have seen a blue light on the third floor. So all kinds of activity happens here including the little girl ghost called Sara Elizabeth.

I would do anything to be the first person to spend the night alone here locked inside. I will wait till the time is right and hopefully the staff or owners will contact me and let me do so. I want to be able to show others that there is nothing to fear but also to show them that these entities must be respected and not just seen as part of a tourist attraction but rather a part of the inn and its history. Often people say the Hauntings here are residual but I believe that these ghost are more then that I believe that are entities that are waiting to be recognized perhaps this is why the activity is so high here. Perhaps maybe it is the art that is coming alive as so many different people put there energies into it but none the less it is a mystery as to why it is so haunted. But one thing is for sure the Artisan is one of the most interesting inns I have ever visited.

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