All Souls Catholic Cemetery I believe in the oldest Catholic burial grounds in the town of Sanford. All Souls Cemetery is owned by the All Souls Church which was the oldest wooden church in the city formed in 1887. In 1932 the church burned down and the Reverend was only able to save the cornerstone, baptismal records, marriage and birth records.  Then 5 years later a new church was built and of course the cemetery is well taken care of by the parish.

All Souls Cemetery sits next to Sanford Evergreen Cemetery and in front of Lakeview Cemetery. This cemetery was formed as a place where Catholics could bury members of their parish. What you will find here is angel and saint statues. Their is even a outdoor alter with a biblical scene. Out of all the cemeteries surrounding all souls. It is my opinion that this place has more ghost then the rest of the cemeteries. I find that Catholic Cemeteries seem to have entities that take a more solid form or are more advanced for some reason. 

Other then that this is another cemetery I have very little information on. Being that its so close to all the other cemeteries a burial ground to me is a burial ground no matter the religion. Anotherwards its pretty likely that ghost from the other cemeteries near by also wander this cemetery. Since it is darker the tree growth here is more intense unlike Restlawn across the street.

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